Doodle Quilt Design

April 27, 2017
Whole Cloth Baby Quilt, Lori Kennedy

Doodle Quilt Design, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

It’s been a long time since we doodled!  I’ve been spending a lot of creative energy on a big project…I’ll tell you more tomorrow…consequently,

I haven’t been doing my doodling homework!

I hope YOU have been doodling!


All good quilting begins with a plan.

And a lot of doodling!

I recently designed a stitched a baby quilt for my friend’s granddaughter.  

After filling pages and pages, this was my final “draft”.  I still made a lot of changes in the final quilt, but I started with this basic framework and idea.

Whole Cloth Baby Quilt, Lori Kennedy


Today’s Doodle Lesson…

Start with a basic framework–just four wavy lines.

Doodle Quilt Design, Lori Kennedy

Double up a few of the lines–or all of them.

Doodle Quilt Design, Lori Kennedy

Then choose some of your favorite motifs and start filling in the lines.

Don’t over think it…

Doodle Quilt Design, Lori Kennedy

Once you have one draft completed, see what works and what you’d might want to change.

And start another…

Doodle Quilt Design, Lori Kennedy

And another,

And another,

The first one is almost NEVER the best one!

Are YOU inspired to quilt one?

We’d LOVE to hear!

And to see!

Have fun doodling–and don’t be afraid to ruin a few pages in your sketchbook!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy @The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • I echo what everybody else is saying. Your blog posts are very motivating for creativity! Thank you! I’m glad I found your blog. Even though I haven’t tried them yet, I do have a bunch of your cute quilting motif’s on my “want to try” list!

    • Support

      Dont wait!! Just stitch on a scrap sandwich–its even more motivating!!

  • Amy Roth

    Something else I do. I have page protectors (not the kind that go in a 3-ring binder). I bought them at the $1 spot at Target when back to school supplies are out. They’re slightly bigger than a sheet of paper and are edged with a colored tape binding. Pages slip easily inside. I can draw with dry erase markers and practice designs over and over. This worked beautifully when I was quilting a sampler quilt. I wanted to do something with feathers in each block. I’d draft the block onto paper, slide in the sheet, doodle till I had the design I wanted, the draw that on the paper (adding quilting directions if needed). I’d set this beside me for reference as I quilted. It worked really, really well! And I’m building a library of motifs as I go! Something else I’ve done. Bought a BIG piece of vinyl at JoAnn’s; lay that over a quilt top and practice my design. WARNING, add some kind of tape along the edge so you don’t draw on your quilt! I work on a longarm so I have my vinyl hung up on pants hangers and hanging on the curtain rod near my machine for quilting reference as I go.

    I love doodling! It’s surprising how many times what I like in a doodle, i just LOVE when it’s quilted! And sometimes I may not feel like I’m getting it just right in a doodle, but I have no problems when I’m quilting. I keep telling friends who think they can’t quilt they just need to doodle! The more they do it the easier it gets. But they won’t believe me.

    Thanks, Lori, for all your inspiration!

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    What a lovely array of images. You’re in effect telling a story … of a lovely walk, with a baby in a carriage, on a summer’s day. Hankering for summer, are we? ????
    One last item from the pincushion ravelry from yesterday … my “knitting sister” sent this image of a ‘mouse sitting on a pumpkin’ pincushion. I thought you might like to see it. Is very cute, but I still like the hedgehog better. I’ve put in a request for two, one in blue and one in pink.

  • You do such wonderful things!!!

  • You have given me so much to try. I have used your suggestions on several projects and one idea begets another.

  • This is so inspiring, putting it all together! I’m going to do it!

  • Your posts always inspire me to quilt Lori…. it is just having the time that is always the issue….. luckily the doodling can be done any time, anywhere!!

    • Support

      I know. Finding enough time to quilt is the challenge!

  • mommaquilts

    I wonder if any page is ever ruined. An idea that doesn’t work in this project may work in another or be an inspiration for a different project.

    • Support

      I agree. I often go back and find small kernels of ideas from the worst pages.

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