Doodle Lesson Three: Slowing Down

April 16, 2015

Circle DoodlesHello Doodlers!

You don’t have to be a quilter to be a doodler–but I DO think it’s very helpful to be doodler if you’re a quilter!

Doodling helps you create patterns and develop an eye for balance.  It also helps create muscle memory for quilting motifs. Most of all-it’s FUN and ADDICTING…

WARNING-make sure all your tax and bank documents are well secured.  Once you get doodling–nothing is safe!


For the last two weeks we have worked on finding a few pens and papers and getting used to the act of doodling. We doodled Messy Spirals and Messy Lines and we didn’t worry about how they looked.  We worked fast to keep our left brain from interfering.

Today we are going to s-l-o-o-w down and work on control.  I call this lesson:

Circle Slow Down

Circle DoodlesPEN MATTERS

I found a new pen I like a lot–The Faber Castell PITT artist pen size small.  I have also been using a Flair pen a lot lately.  The Pen matters–make sure it feels right in your hand and flows well on the paper–not too fast and not too slow.

You can do this exercise on lined paper or unlined paper.


Draw a row of circles starting with a small circle and then get larger.

Draw another row starting large and graduating to small.

Circle DoodlesDoodle two more rows of circles and fill them in with concentric circles.

(Try to control the pen so the ends of the circles meet neatly–see the last circle above–not neat.)

Circle DoodlesGo off the grid and draw a puddle of circles.

Circle DoodlesAdd straight lines between the rows and fill in some of the rows.  See how many different combinations you can create.

Circle DoodlesWARNING: This is more addictive than Pinterest!

Your circles will look like hand drawn circles–some slightly egg-y and some…

If we wanted perfect circles, we would have used a computer program!

Remember, you can always go back to Messy Circles and Messy Lines.

Doodling O-O-odles,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, Pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



  • Should I be worried about myself? I never noticed the quilt!! How can that be when I am drawn to color? And the color in this one is great. I think I was just super focused on what our assignments were to doodle today! How interesting! I wonder if that would have been as true when I was younger? Hmmmm. I loved the exercises today, and now that I’ve noticed the quilt, I love it too.
    Thanks for everything!, Rae

  • Michele Leonard

    I am pretty much a doodler too! Will have to start doing it more on paper than in my head!! Ha, ha. I just finished a quilt using two of your flower designs, they came out terrific”” now I am almost done with a log cabin quilt top and I have been going back and forth on how to quilt it.. NOT ANY MORE!! I think I am going to do the same quilting you used in yours. You are a great Blog and a fabulous inspiration! I am so happy I found you!!!!! How do we send pictures?

  • I’m enjoying the doodling also. I’m happy about these ones because they do look like they could be quite addictive.

  • Lori, I’m loving the quilting on the quilt you have as background to the pics in this post. Can you share a better pic of it? Thank you.

  • Mary Kauffman

    I love the log cabin quilt in the background and the quilting on it! Would love to see it all!
    I am enjoying your ideas on doodling too.
    Thank you.
    Mary in New Mexico

  • Rosemaryflower

    This is great, I have the pens already, and several books.
    I love doodling.
    You are such an inspiration and very enthusiastic. Thank you for that, Lori

  • Mrs. Plum

    Yes, yes, please show us the whole background quilt! It’s gorgeous! And yes, I doodle all the time.

  • One more reader oohing and ahhing over your background quilt! Love the circle doodles Lori. I’m going to see if i can find one of those pens.

  • Julie

    I just purchased a new toy for my birthday. (We should all get new toys now and then!) This one is a Fisher-Price magnetic slate with a pen attached, called a Doodle-Pro. Great for practicing a doodle, until you get the shape right, and it never wears out.

  • Yep, I was eyeballing that quilt too! But, I have to say I love the doodling exercises! I have always been a doodler and remember watching my Mom doodle mostly while she was talking on the phone.

  • Tammy in NC

    Same thought here-love that quilt!

  • You’re Zentangling! Love it!

  • Suzanna

    As much as I’m enjoying the doodling series, you have to tell us about the quilt in the background. It is stunning: the colour, scale and quilting!

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