Doodle Challenge

July 7, 2016
Candy Corn, Free Motion Quilting, LKennedy

Doodle Lessons, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

Have YOU been doodling? See Doodle Exercises HERE.

Do YOU have a doodle notebook?

Do YOU collect your favorite doodles?

My Doodle notebooks are my greatest source of inspiration.  Most of my doodles aren’t very nice, but every so often…a real gem emerges.  Sometimes I don’t recognize the potential of a doodle until I review my notebook months later.

Circle Doodles, LKennedy


Today I have a little challenge for you.

Look through all of your doodles.

Choose one or two of YOUR doodles and design a nine inch quilt block.

Keep it simple.

Doodles, LKennedy

Start stitching!

Use thread to enhance your design.  

Remember:  Contrasting thread will show off a design, 

                       Matching thread will appear as texture.

Can’t wait to see what YOU create!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • I really need to do a notebook. I have one for piecing designs, but my doodles are everywhere. Especially in my son’s violin lesson notebook…LOL

  • Your doodle notebook is beautiful….. no wonder it gives you inspiration! Since I took your last Craftsy Class I have been doodling a lot more and it has definitely helped with my FMQ. I must start a doodle notebook too…. it is such a good idea to keep all the doodles together in one place! Thank you Lori!

    • Support

      Thank you Christine! And thank you for taking time to write reviews on Craftsy-it really helps!

      • My pleasure Lori….. the classes are both great, so it was easy to give them both a good review! Have a lovely weekend!

  • Some of my best quilting designs are on the agendas of the meetings I attend 😉

  • Sorry meant to post this following comment here but did so on your 2012 link about doodle notebooks. Oops ? Another great post. I too agree that doodling help one stay focused. As for where my doodles are….em…well…except for the ones I starting after your Craftsy Classes and reading your blog, all my doodles are in the bin….don’t say it, I know, but at the time, they were just doodles, not future quilting designs. I didn’t think like that before. But you have opened my eyes and I shan’t throw my doodles away every again! ????

    • Support

      You don’t have to save everything… Lol!

  • Kerri Robinson

    Ive been visiting granddaughters in Texas so I’m not able to practice my FMQ so I’ve been doing lots of doodling! My granddaughters then color my doodles with their crayons and pencils! Win Win for both of us!

    • Support

      How lovely! What treasures!

  • lovenewhampshire

    Lori, I must thank you for encouraging us to doodle. I am not a natural doodler and originally had to force myself to doodle. I didn’t enjoy it at all. Suddenly last week I realized that I am now actually enjoying doodling, and I can see where it has improved. I am looking forward to your new doodle every week! Thank you!

    • Support

      Oh my goodness!! That is music to my ears!! Save your notebooks to see progress-it’s very motivating!

  • Marty Kay Smith

    Lori, I love how your doodling comes to life on your quilts! You are awesome!

  • Gertrude

    I have a husband and a son who are quite talented. They, also, would often say their work wasn’t very good when in reality it was. You really shouldn’t say your doodles aren’t very nice – compared to some of us your work is amazing. I’m learning but trust me mine never look anywhere as nice as yours! I love it that you show us how to do it but don’t put your work down. Please. ? The above is said in kindness, don’t worry.

    • Support

      Thank you Gertrude– but remember that you only see the best of my notebooks!! LOL!

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