Daisy Pop! A Machine Quilting Tutorial

April 25, 2017

Machine Quilting, Daisy, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

What’s poppin’ in YOUR garden this week?

The only thing blooming in my yard so far…dandelions!  But even that is a welcome sight after months of Minnesota snow!


Today we have a really fun floral motif that will add texture to your quilts–The Daisy Pop!

There are three types of contrast that help show off our quilting…

Thread contrast

Shape contrast

Density contrast 

Daisy Pop takes advantage of Density Contrast.  By stitching a large, open circle surrounded by echo stitching and small petals, the circles POP off the quilt creating a pretty flower and pretty texture.

(For more on Contrast, be sure to check out Chapter 2 “Skillbuilding” in my book Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 personalized copies available from Etsy HERE.  Also available on Amazon HERE).


No marking is required for this motif–the center circles do not need to be perfect.  If you are more comfortable marking, do so as you go.  The circles here are approximately the size of a spool.

Begin by stitching a clockwise circle.

Machine Quilting, Daisy, Lori Kennedy

For most of the flowers, there will be a short “stem”…

So stitch clockwise and counter clockwise to avoid stitching over the stem.

Closely echo stitch the circle 2-3 times.

Machine Quilting, Daisy, Lori Kennedy

Add scallops around the circle.

Machine Quilting, Daisy, Lori Kennedy

Machine Quilting, Daisy, Lori Kennedy

Echo stitch the scallops 2-3 times then add a short stem to begin the next Daisy in the chain.Machine Quilting, Daisy, Lori Kennedy

Keep the Daisies closely spaced and add smaller flowers if you like.
Machine Quilting, Daisy, Lori Kennedy

This motif seems so happy to me.  It would look great on any child’s quilt, summer quilts, a table runner, pillows….

Where will YOU add Daisy Pop?

We’d LOVE to hear!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • Laura S

    This design is perfect for a table runner I am working on. Love it!

  • HollyAnnW

    I thought of tatting when I saw this motif stitched out. A little picot in the center of the scallops on the outside edge would make it look even more so.

  • Lorraine DOyno Evans

    Practice FMQ by making whole cloth placemats! Our guiid donates placemats along with meals on wheels, so this would be perfect thing for me to do…now I just need to do it instead of just reading and posting about it!

  • Cathy W.

    Oh this is great for a little girl’s quilt I need to work on. Lori you do such a great job of inspiring others because you make everything look so easy by your step by step method. Thank you big time.

  • Janet Licari

    I think the idea of a table runner is a super idea…I would love to do that. This pattern is so pretty. Some fruit trees are about to bloom and we have dandelions also.

  • This is a really cute design Lori… thank you! I am always amazed at how different all the various flower designs look just by changing up the size of the centre or the scallops…. beautiful!

  • Annie

    Merci beaucoup pour ce super tuto. Je vais l’essayer avec plaisir avec ma machine. Je n’ai pas de long arm.
    J’aime beaucoup tout ce que vous faites. bravo!
    J’essaie de lire en Anglais, ce n’est pas toujours le top;mais tout de même je comprends à peu près. Cela m’évite de faire appel à un traducteur.
    Merci encore.

    • A

      Thank you for taking the time to write! I’m so glad you like the tutorials. The step-by-step photos don’t require much reading. Best wishes to our many French friends!

    • Marta

      Hello, Bonjour Annie. enjoyed seeing your French. I had the language in high school and college but realized I have forgotten so much. LOL.
      avec plaisir, Marta

  • Marta

    Those are so cute !! usable many ways…

  • Carol

    This is so cute and doesn’t look to hard to do! I have a question though. I’m am doing more and more quilting of the quilt and last night was quilting with a cream colored 40 wt Aurifil with 50 wt, same color in the bobbin. Tension was great. I then switched to a dark green colored thread, same Aurifil, same 40 wt on top and 50 wt in bobbin. But for some reason the tension is not right and when trying to adjust the tension it still doesn’t look right! Why is this? Any suggestions?! Thanks

    • A

      I suspect the problem is not the thread but the act of changing the thread–in other words, while re-threading something happened. Take the machine apart, clean and oil it and then re-thread both top and bobbin carefully. Re-do this several times if necessary. Check for stray threads–they are often the culprit.

      • Carol

        Thank you for your input, Lori. I have been using the machine quite a bit and it probably needs that cleaning!

    • Rosemarie

      Try re-threading, both top thread and bobbin thread. That usually takes care of it for me.

      • Carol

        Thanks, Rosemarie. I did try that but maybe the second try will do the trick!

  • Wow I just love this one! As Scrappy Chris said you do inspire me everyday also, I always look forward to what you have in store for us! I saw your book at a local store and very excited, Would loved to have a signed copy but also so important to support our small local stores. Thanks again for sharing all your talent Lori.

  • Mayela

    I love it. Thank you Lori for sharing your talent with us.

  • This is SO cute!! Your flower ideas seem endless. Thanks for another pretty one.

  • dawk2012

    I love this motif. You continue to amaze and inspire. I think I’d like to do a mini quilt with this as a topper or wall hanging for now. Several UFOs are also screaming for a motif just this one. Thanks.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Have fun! Cant wait to see your little quilt!

  • kaholly

    Great motif, super tutorial, as always. I’ve been away from my machine for 6 months, so I chose today’s post to ‘get me back in the groove’. I’m pleased to say FMQing is like riding a bike! I sat right down and it was as though I had just been FMQing yesterday! Thank you for sharing your talent and helping me build my skill!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Welcome back to your machine!

  • Thank you so much for sharing your designs. I am a new longarmer. Your designs are great practice for me.

  • Very cute !
    It looks like crochet lace. I think I’ll add it on the collar of a silk blouse to make it special. Thank you so much.

  • Scrappy Chris

    Love it! Would be super on a summer table runner I have been thinking about. Everyday when I open your blog I am continually inspired. Thank you so much.

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