Today’s Topic: Create a Bug Jar Sampler Quilt!
Welcome to Week Twenty Two of The Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
Find all of the previous Lessons HERE.
Sign up for emails of the class HERE.
Join the private Quilting with LKQ Facebook Group HERE

Good Morning, Quilters!
Let’s have some fun with our specialty thread collection!
If you don’t have any specialty threads, start collecting them for your bug jar sampler quilt.
For now, create a quilt filled with mason jars. As you collect new threads, add a new bug to your sampler quilt. Just like a bug collector, you can add to you specimens over time!
The Quilt Layout
Create a quick quilt sandwich (fat quarter size)
Use white chalk or your favorite marking tool to create a 2 x 2 grid.
4 inch squares
1 inch apart
1 inch outer border

The Mason Jar
Use the template in 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting page 110 or the Mason Jar Tutorial HERE to create a template. (Modify the tutorial so the vertical jar measurement is 2 inches before adding the screw top).
Trace the template onto paper and glue the paper onto cardboard. This creates a template for easy tracing.

Trace the Mason Jar in each of the square blocks.
Stitching the Bug Jar Sampler Quilt
Use heavy weight thread in a contrasting color to stitch the square outlines. Knot off to travel between each of the squares. Use a curlicue knot for added design interest.
Using the same thread or a different heavy weight thread, stitch the Mason Jars, knotting off between each jar.

Specialty Thread
On a separate quilt sandwich, set up your machine for free motion quilting with a specialty thread.
Change the needle and adjust the tension.
Once you’re happy with the stitches, add a bug to your first jar.
Continue testing specialty threads on the practice fabric before adding them to your Mason Jars.

Try these motifs to fill YOUR jars:
More on page 110 of 25 Days…

Fill the Borders
Use a variegated or specialty thread to fill the borders with circles and spirals to complete the Bug Jar Sampler quilt.
More Design Ideas
Make a larger quilt with more Mason Jars for YOUR specialty thread collection!
Try a variety of bottle shapes similar to my Poison 2020 Quilt.
Add sewing notions (found in my MORE Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 book) to the Mason Jars instead of bugs!
Bind the Quilt!
Bind your quilt-even if the Ball Jars aren’t filled. Hang the quilt in your sewing room and add more as you collect more threads!
Happy Bug Collecting,
Entomo-lori-gy K.

MORE Quilting Sale Continues!
Treat yourself and all your quilting friends to MORE Free Motion Quilting!
For a limited time only, earn $5 off any order from my Etsy Shop that includes MORE Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 or 180 MORE Doodle Quilting Designs
Every book is signed and personalized and comes with a quilted treat!
Use the coupon code: MOREFMQ

MORE Quilting Books
More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 is the second book in my motif series. It includes tons of tips and techniques for fine tuning your quilting technique as well as 62 motifs with step-by-step photos. YOU will LOVE the motifs organized by season! (Pumpkins and Poinsettias and Snowmen, oh My!) Quilters love the Just for Fun chapter with several sewing related motifs!
180 MORE Doodle Quilting Designs was compiled by Karen Burns and Amelia Johanson and includes four of my motifs. The book includes simple line drawings of a motifs. Each pattern is shown three ways: as a block or background, a triangle and a border.
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books! They are ALL bestsellers!