Craftsy Instructor Summit-Take Two!

January 27, 2016

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters! (Sorry about the broken link yesterday!)

I’m just back from a whirlwind trip to Denver for The (first ever) Craftsy Instructor Summit.

What an amazing weekend!

More than 200 Craftsy instructors (35 quilt instructors) attended a three-day conference on Branding, Social Media and Marketing.

Craftsy scheduled fabulous speakers to hold our hands through the tornado of Social Media!  YIKES!

My head is still spinning from all the information…

Craftsy, Lori KennedyOf course, it wasn’t all work!

There was ample time to play–and meet the other teachers!

I can’t wait to introduce YOU to all of them!  Coming soon!!!

Do YOU recognize any of the people in the photo below?

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy
Donna Thomas, Lori Kennedy, Mimi Dietrich, Alex Veronelli, Amy Johnson, Kelly Ashton, Barb Eikmeier

I took my first-ever selfie!  (I swore I never would…!)

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy
with Donna Thomas, Mimi Dietrich

Amy Johnson and I compared notes about free motion quilting:

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy
with Amy Johnson

One of the highlights: 

I met Laura Nownes–the author of the first quilt book I ever bought:  Quilts! Quilts! Quilts! The Complete Guide to Quiltmaking.

When I introduced myself, she responded:  “I know who you are-I read your blog everyday!”  (no words!)

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy
with Laura Nownes, Jessica Hutton


No, no, no!  I’ll still be here–allow me to explain…

During the session on blogging, the presenter used five blogs to demonstrate blog features (good and bad).

The Inbox Jaunt was used as one of the examples of both good and bad…

The good:

  • Very engaged readership (we knew that already!)
  • Daily posting
  • Good content

The not-so-good:

  • The name, The Inbox Jaunt--A good title should reference the subject matter and author…The Inbox Jaunt is confusing–it could be about anything and written by anybody!  (BTW-my daughter told me that a long time ago…ahem…)  Any suggestions for a new name?  I won’t tell you what the expert suggested just yet.
  • Need videos –Many of YOU have told me that…I guess I will have to learn a new technology.  The good news is, Craftsy provided a host of ideas on how to create videos!

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

The conference has given me so so many new ideas to improve YOUR experience here at The Inbox Jaunt.

I can’t wait to share!

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Here’s to an whirlwind 2016!


The Old Dog with New Tricks,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to reblog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • Marta

    What Ellen said…. and Amen, and did I say, Amen…

  • Ellen

    Hi Lori–I don’t know if you will see this because it is so long after the original discussion….I am getting close to done with reading your whole blog from start to finish.
    I cringed when I read that it was recommended that you do videos instead of picture tutorials–I HATE having to watch videos to learn something, for various reasons. First, the talking on videos disrupts my concentration. Second, it is very hard to find and stay on the part you are working on, or need to keep going back to as you perfect a skill. Third, it takes a lot more time to watch a video than to skim photos to get the “big picture” of how something is going to work, or to decide if this tutorial is even one I am interested in. Please, please, please, don’t change to videos! I LOVE your blog–it is the only one I read consistently–and am afraid I would lose interest if it became just another one with videos.

    As to the name–your blog, though primarily about FMQ, is not limited to that. Changing the name to something more quilt-specific might lead people to expect that it will be about quilting and only quilting. We loyal followers would miss all the other stuff–photography, fine art, tidbits about your family and life–if you felt you had to stay true to one topic. It’s not just the FMQ lessons I am in love with, it is the whole blog in its entirety, including the wonderful variety.

    Don’t change! Or, as I have seen you comment many times….”if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

    • A

      Ellen, the response I wrote above was before I read this comment–I agree with your assessment of videos–that is why I would make them an addition-not a substitution. I do think short videos can be useful for many people.

      I am so flattered that you took the time to read my entire blog. It almost makes me cringe-because I don’t think I could do it-LOL. Some of those early posts, especially the tutorials were very green…I really didn’t start to be a mostly quilting blog. I really wanted to be a photography blog, but I’m happy with the mix. Thanks for your nice note! Lori

  • I love your blog just the way it is. Initially I thought they might be right about a name change, but as you well know there are soooooo many blogs out there that have boatloads to do with quilting, and nothing in their names that gives you a clue…do what feels right for you! And thanks for all you generously share.

    • Support

      Thank you! Are you a physical therapist? Quilter p t?

  • Barbara

    I like the photos, because you have taken care to select the right image to show what I need to achieve. I can find a lot of videos, but end up stopping the action to see precisely what is going on with the needle and foot . Thank you for your encouragement and detailed instructions.

  • Denise

    I began reading your blog because I wanted to become a free motion quilter (other than stippling). Enjoy it very much and like the pictures because, as one comment was made, it is easier to stop and study. It does not matter to me what you call your blog because I am a committed follower.

  • I love your blog just the way it is or with any changes you decide to make. Like many have already said, you have given me the confidence to try Free Motion quilting!

  • Karen in WI

    My thoughts, feelings and daily reading of your blog are echoes of many of the comments above. A name for your blog that came to mind is A Jaunt through Machine Quilting. Though Quilt-a-Doodle-Do is catchy.

    • Terry Sheldon

      I said two “o’s” because that’s how it’s spelled in the rooster crow. With just one, it looks wrong to me. Just MHO…

      • Thanks Terry Sheldon, now I understand! Being a city girl, who loves the country, I don’t own roosters so was not aware.

    • Terry Sheldon

      After reading these posts for days, I vote for “Quilt-A-Doodle-Doo with Lori Kennedy.”

      • I’m glad Quilt-A-Doodle-Do is popular. Two o’s? Sound like, well . . . a pile of doo. I chose one o for the action of do after the doodle is done.

      • Terry Sheldon

        (You have to put 2 “O’s” in Doo!)

  • Joyce in NE

    This is my favorite blog. Love the format and information. Creative and cheerful. Your instructions and photos are so clear that I don’t need videos. Name? Don’t change it completely. Thank you.

  • Shari K.

    I think your blog should be named From Doodle to Quilt, which is your by line.

  • It was so nice to meet you!! This is a great post. Let me know if you ever need wordpress support. 🙂

    • Support

      Thank you! I’m sure I will! So nice to meet you too!

  • I love the format of your blog. I have learned more here than you can even imagine. I love the photos, tho I am sure it is time consuming to create each post. I am not a huge fan of videos. Either way, I will still be reading and continua,lay grateful for the amazing tutorials you provide. For a name, how about:
    The-best-FMQ-blog-ever. 😉

    Thanks Lori. Good luck with any transitions you may choose to make.

  • Rebecca Shaffer

    I love the Inbox Jaunt. It’s the first thing I look for every morning. I love the step by step photos and clear directions. I much prefer them to videos. I have learned so much from you that I will continue to follow your blog no matter what you call it and even if you decide to use videos. I have occasionally printed off some of your photos and traced them to help me improve my muscle memory. I couldn’t do that with a video. Keep up the good work, Lori!

  • Darrell

    Someone may have already said this, but regardless of the new name, IMHO, it should contain ‘InboxJaunt; in the title. You have a great following under this name and this would make it so much easier for regulars and newbies to find you on the web. Not to mention they are plastered all over the pics on your tutorials.

  • Laura Nownes

    Meeting you was a highlight of my weekend. I will continue to be a faithful follower, regardless of the name. Please keep up your great work and best of luck during the process.

  • annieofbluegables

    Lori, I love your blog just the way it is. I don’t understand the name but that’s not how I found you from Pinterest.
    As far as videos go, they have their place, but the still pictures you do are perfect for tutorials. On a beading site I had to pause a video and take screen shots and print them out In order to complete a necklace. I’d have loved step-by-step photos so much more.
    So take what they said, add a few videos, change the name if you must, but certainly don’t stop what already works. Yours is the ONLY blog I read daily.

  • Sheila

    I really enjoy your blog. Instead of completely reaming your blog why not just add Quilting to the name – The Quilting Inbox Jaunt? After all the majority of your followers most probably access your blog via their inbox!

  • Marsha Jean

    Absolutely LOVE your sign off on this post! I’m sure the changes you make will be wonderful…can’t wait to see what you come up with.

  • Pam J

    I love your blog and I like it’s name. But, if you have to come up with a new name, how about Beyond Stippling?

  • Lori Matsui

    I came across your blog through internet just this week. I love how your posts are so clear and helpful. You have nailed giving all the pertinent information and leaving out the unnecessary chat while still keeping it warm and personal. That is quite a skill and I am thrilled to have found you and I finally feel inspired to try some FMQ beyond just a meandering line. I have watched videos of FMQ but I have found them frustrating because so much of what goes into this skill is developing the muscle memory and you just can’t teach that on a video. Videos would be helpfull as supplemental information but your breakdown of how to set up a pattern is the information I need to get me through my halting attempts until (I hope) my muscles start to feel more natural with this skill. You have also inspired me to start doodling again and that’s a lot of fun all by itself!

    By the way I have also just discovered that (for me) using a floating foot instead of a hopping one helps a lot as well. The hopping foot jiggles the fabric and makes it hard for me to keep my focus and keep a smooth line. Just thought I would throw that out there in case anyone else is struggling with that issue.

  • I share your excitement~~

  • In Box Jaunt stands out from the rest of the blogs. Perhaps “Quilt a Doodle Do with Lori Kennedy” because I read you each morning with my protein smoothie. I prefer your pictures over video. Tweak your blog if you must, but a complete overhaul would take you away from your primary focus . . . doodles to freemotion quilting. Loving you as you are my friend! Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA

    • Support

      Love Quilta-doodle-do!!!

      • Terry Sheldon

        How about Quilt-A-Doodle-Doo, to make it all seem correct, grammar-spelling wise…

  • Susan

    Your blog is the first one read in its entirety every day you post ,and refer back to time and time again. I have learned so much from you and I am a LAQ. Thank you! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in 2016,

  • Yvonne

    I found you by name – I like the idea of something different but add Lori in it somewhere., Lori’s Doodle Quilting etc etc…. LOL

  • Michele

    I think you need to keep “jaunt”. Journey is too much work. What about “Quilt doodle jaunts with Lori Kennedy. I also like the clarity of the photos vs. a video. My favorite part is that we can search for the older doodles.

  • Margie

    Lori, how dang exciting for you. You met some pretty famous women. I would have wet my pants from excitement!! How about Jaunt with Lori. Jaunting with Lori Kenedy. Jaunting and quilting with Lori Kennedy. Whatever name I am a follower

  • Marilyn Larkin

    G’day Lori,
    I love ‘In Box Jaunt’ it invokes images of fun and going to new places; it also allows for all the other wonderful posts like those beautiful art works and photography. The step by step photos are why I love the presentation it is so much easier with slow steps to follow. It must be a lot of work for you to present the motifs like this, but so valuable for us. Thank-you. As for the video idea, Aayanne had the best idea, add a link for those who wish to follow on U Tube. You have a wonderful loyal following and none of us will be deserting your wonderful posts; no matter what name you call them. We will still file them in our ‘In-Box Jaunt’ Folders. Thank-you for such enthusiastic and honest posts. Cheers from ‘Australia’

  • Helen Lee

    I enjoy videos but I don’t think they would be any better than the progressing pictures you now do. I agree with some of the comments on the disadvantages of videos such as being interrupted. Thank you for giving us so much for free. I also purchased your craftsy class and enjoyed it. I am preparing a program on FMQ for a local guild and am including that class in my recommended resources.

  • Did they say anything about blogging too much? I would prefer to get one or two posts a week than something every day.

  • Patty

    I enjoy your “Inbox Jaunt” daily — thank you for preparing it for your many followers! In spite of what the experts say — I prefer photos to videos. As the previous commenter said, you can view videos on You Tube. Many times I need a picture right beside the sewing machine when I am working. I can’t get that with You Tube videos. I can print directions out and use later. Are you giving us a hint at the new name in the heading of your blog “From Doodle to Quilt”? If so, that is a clever heading.

    Again, thank you for the time you devote and the content of your site. It soars far above most!


  • Patsy Thompson and her husband create videos and share her amazing skill of creating gorgeous Art Quilts. You can find her videos on YouTube where you can subscribe and be assured you won’t miss new ones. You’ll also find Amy Johnson as well as other FMQ Artists.

    • Terry Sheldon

      Funny, I just now ordered a ruler from her. She is a favorite, and she actually inspired my recent building of a Spray Basting Wall. I love it!

  • Pamela North

    I watch YouTube videos regularly but really like your step by step photos. All the comments are interesting but I like Ann’s suggestion of The Freemotion Jaunt as it combines the old with the new. Whatever you call it I’ll still be following.

  • Aaynne

    * I couldn’t agree more with everyone’s positive comments. If a new name is mandatory….I love what’s been already suggested…but would merge two of them. “The Quilting Jaunt . . . a Journey to Freemotion Excellence”. You make this new journey of mine a true pleasure, Lori….just as the use of jaunt implies, and it’s obvious from the other posts that you’ve done the very same for them.

    * As you already know, I’m a newbie with quilting. Over the past year or so I’ve spent literally thousands of hours on the Internet…investigating EVERYTHING quilting ~ blogs, Googles images, YouTube videos and such….and never found one single blog that I was interested in following – until I found yours, Lori. I pride myself in seeking the best of the best…because I so believe in quality results. And it was your posts, your blog, your teaching that gave me the courage to give FMQ a try. I even did my lil’ “Wonky Flowers” – my first ever FMQ – fashioned after your beautiful Square Flower before I took your fabulous class on CRAFTSY. Your visuals and blog set up are THE best out there….clean, clear, crisp and your words so encouraging. LOVE that you’re learning more about how to promote Lori Kennedy and her craft. LOVE that you connected with Amy Johnson (the only other CRAFTSY class I’ve taken!!!) and the photo of both you “women of precision”.

    * Lastly ~ please don’t change your format!!! Again, if mandatory to add videos (I for one would love them)…I suggest adding a link at the bottom of each tutorial and sticking with your winning photos and format.


  • quilter1522

    Just an encouraging word, Lori. I really enjoy your blog. I think I started following you back when you impaled your finger with that needle – it looked so painful and I’ve done the same! I’ve learned much on your pages and always find inspiration, encouragement, and good instruction. Whatever you do – enjoy!

  • Virginia

    I actually prefer your video free format and go to you tube for videos. 🙂 looking forward to seeing what you have planned!

  • Rosemarie

    I agree with several of the other replies. I appreciate the pictures for FMQ, and hope that you don’t eliminate these. For me, pictures just make sense. It’s not that I don’t appreciate videos….they are great for learning new knitting stitches! Love your blog, Lori!!

  • Dear Lori, I find your blog to be among the very best just as it is. In addition to many other Craftsy classes, I have subscribed to most of the Craftsy FMQ classes . Because of the terrible state of the Canadian dollar now, I am forced to be very selective when and if I buy classes. Your generosity in sharing your expertise and creativity on your blog, was the factor in my decision to subscribe to your class. I have learned so much from you and have not regretted the purchase. I hope that you will be doing another class soon. Whatever name you choose, I will continue to be a fan of your blog. Thank you so much for being such a generous teacher !


  • Good for you! I’m so glad you got this energizing time. It’s good to have a group that you can identify with and collaborate with. Creativity can become overwhelming at times. And learning new things is always a plus!

  • Nancy

    I love the fact that when I go to your blog I Do Not have to view a video with sound. Makes it easy to read in places where a video would be disruptive.

  • NancyR

    I love your blog. The name makes me smile–don’t know why. In regards to videos, I live in rural Ontario and our internet speed is slow and bandwidth limited. So I don’t often watch videos. If you do videos, please also give a summary via writing. Thank you. If it becomes all videos I will likely not continue reading every one.

  • K Yee

    I love your blog. By all means change the name if that works. It doesn’t matter what you call it as far as I am concerned. I did like Jacqueline’s idea of adding the line. I do think it would make sense to add free motion in that line if you go that way. With respect to videos, ok if you feel it is really important. However, I love the approach that you take now with the photos for showing your tutorials. It is easy for me to see exactly what was done compared to often what I can see in videos. I don’t have to worry about trying to start and stop the video at key points in order to see what I need to. The approach you use shows the important stuff and I think helps keep things concise but still with sufficient information. In my experience videos can tend to get long with unneeded stuff and trying to show what is important. As well I find videos tougher to use when I am trying to do what you are showing at the machine. I do think some videos might be helpful just to get the idea of how you stitch – the speed, the flow etc. But please don’t feel it needs to all be videos, the way you present things is one of the main reasons I am here.

  • Linda Matthews

    You have given me wonderful ideas! I found Craftsy before I found you – but actually, I prefer the photo approach! Having to watch the video (which may not play well on my tablet sometimes) can be frustrating…you miss a key step as the phone rang, and now you search and replay. Also I love keeping your illustrations of the more complex things… I agree with the person who said, “Keep your name, just add a line that is descriptive!”

  • plymouthknits

    I like “Inbox Jaunt”, but I understand the critique. How about Daily FMQ, or Daily FMQ Doodle,

  • Diane B.

    I love your blog and will follow it no matter what it’s name. You are the first to get me interested in FMQ and made it look like something even I could do. I agree with others above, video is great but please don’t get rid of the photos because videos eat so much data! Also, it is nice to print one or two of the photos to keep next to my machine to get the tricky steps right. Thanks for all you give to us!!

  • Sometimes when you think change is for the better, it isn’t. Remember Cokes new flaver fiasco? Amyway, I check your site every morning and your pictures are very helpful. Videos are good just, not always needed. If, you do want to change your blog name how about ” The Freemotion Jaunt”. Trust your instincts they have done well for you this far.

  • Rebecca Pickett

    How exciting! Change is good. I, too, was confused by the name at first. Good luck with that daunting task!

  • I live in an area with few internet options. What I do get is metered, so I avoid clicking on videos because watching them ends up costing me money when I need to buy more data. So I love your photos. No matter the name you adopt, I will keep reading.

  • Because of you, I learned the basis of FMQ by visiting The Inbox Jaunt every morning. I doodled your motifs and learned much from you. I took your course on Craftsy. It is enlightening and gives so much other FMQers do not, such as how to divide and conquer.
    I’m amused by the Feedback you got about name of your blog. How is is that you have thousands. (is it thousands or more) of us who found you and follow you. (I visit TIBJ the first thing I do each morning).
    So, change the name if you must, but realize that the experts, the trainers and presenters of marketing theory always want to modify according to theory. However, as a follower of yours who possesses a MA in business and management, I must say, “If it works, why change it?”
    I might suggest you add a line, something like The Inbox Jaunt, Exercises for Quilting Excellence. ?
    I must also say, I have studied Amy Johnson, Angela Walters, Christina Cameli, and Kimmy Bruener, among others, and am currently studying Huper Quilting with Patsy Johnson, but it is you who taught me not only how to FMQ but how to divide and conquer.
    Your loyal follower, Jackinka

  • Danielle

    Lori – I am so excited to see where this goes for you. Good luck!

  • How about “doodles” or “doodling your way to quilt”

  • Gerri Bettencourt

    Excited to see where the future takes us! Love the blog no matter what it’s called!

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