Classic Feathers and a Few Not-so-Classic Feathers

September 12, 2013

Classic Feathers

Feathers are always a classic design and look great on every quilt.  Here, they stand alone with a little crosshatching.

Classic Feathers

I used a stencil to make this quilt, but I had to do a bit of tweaking to make it all fit.  I drew it lightly on a piece of craft paper, and once I had it all fitting properly around the central square, I darkened the lines with a wide permanent marker.  I taped the pattern and the fabric to a large picture window and just traced the design right on to my lavender fabric.

Classic Feathers

I think I will make a fall version of this quilt this week–after all feathers are always in style–and always classic–or are they?


Check out the work of This Etsy Artist, Bicocacolors!

Classic Feathers

Perhaps I won’t work on classic feathers after all–I have a few not-so-classic feathers doing a chicken dance in my head right now!

I’m off to my sewing room…Quack, Quack!  Waddle, Waddle!




  • Sooo pretty! I wish I could quilt feathers! Mine look… well, not like feathers. lol

  • Your lavender feathers quilt is so impressive. You did a beautiful job.

  • Linda

    Wow, your feathers are beautiful. Only in my dreams could I ever do that but I sure would like to be able to! I just can’t seem to get the hang of my foot and hands going at the same speed. I know, practice, practice, practice……

    The other feathers are so neat too. Show us what you come up with!

    • Support

      You will be “in a groove” sooner than you think! Stay with it.

  • I love your classic work! Just so beautiful!

  • feathers are my very favorite design to quilt and I have figured out tons of different variations because I love them so….. one thing I have never done is used a stencil though- I like the look of what you’ve done there, but with just marking the circle in the wreath and a little practice it could be achieved without a stencil…

    • Support

      Your feathers are gorgeous! My lavender quilt was dated 2007–I wouldn’t do feathers with a stencil any longer either. Though I might for the center circle. Are you able to stitch that without a stencil? I’ll have to give it a try!
      Thanks for sharing!

  • cari on

    I’ve never tried feathers. Maybe I will now. I’m not good at tracing.

    • Support

      They can be done without a stencil!

  • Wow, what work that takes. I love how the feathers look like they fell off a real bird, and your quilting, you are amazing!!

    • Support

      Thank you! After tracing the stencil, it’s just a matter of staying on the lines!

  • Gorgeous! I must admit that I am too lazy to draw out the feathers and make them the traditional way. But this looks really great.

    • Support

      I don’t do feathers that way any more either. I do like the look, though, so for a small piece like this, I might do it again in another color.

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