Christmas Ornaments Project and Tutorial

December 13, 2013
Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial

Today is Friday the 13th…and YOU’RE in luck–good luck, that is…I have a fun  ornament project tutorial for you.

First, download the patterns HERE.  The download includes two ornaments and The Partridge.  We will work on the FMQ for The Partridge next week, but we can make the pattern along with the ornaments today.

Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial

Once you have the patterns, cut them out from the paper and glue them onto a piece of cardboard.  I use old manila files or cereal boxes.

Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial


Quilting Project, Ornaments, TutorialNext, cut the patterns out of the cardboard.  This creates a great pattern for tracing-especially if you are going to use a motif several times.

Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial

Trace your patterns onto a quilt sandwich.

To decorate the ornaments, use any of the tutorials found HERE.

Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial


Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial

TIP:  The ornaments look more real if you curve the FMQ patterns around the ornament slightly.  Compare the samples below:

Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial
Straight Line FMQ
Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial
Contoured FMQ

Have fun with these!  Fill the shapes in with anything–even scribble looks great!

Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial

I’m off to bake cookies–biscotti and gingerbread men…

Wouldn’t gingerbread men be cute in FMQ?…maybe I won’t bake…


PS…If you are looking for more color inspiration, I know you will enjoy my daughter’s blog, Color Route Co. HERE  Photo JOY!

PS…The tutorials, PDFs, and images on The Inbox Jaunt are copyrighted by Lori Kennedy.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  No commercial use permitted.

Quilting Project, Ornaments, Tutorial



  • Janet Vickers

    The ornaments are just so beautiful Lori. I wonder what your inspiration will be once Christmas is over. I cant wait to see. Merry Christmas.

  • JosieD

    Thank you so much. Looks like fun and I can’t wait to try it.

  • Thank you for such awesome tutorials! These are great! You are so very talented!!

  • Rosa Faria

    Thank you. Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards from Brasil.

  • These are great! Thank you.

  • Mary Posuniak

    Very Pretty! I need a few days off to play! Merry Christmas!

  • These are beautiful! They make me keen to go try some FMQ (and I don’t have many FMQ skills in my repertoire!)

  • Patti

    very pretty ….now I need a Christmas quilt to put them on!

  • CJ Reed

    OH MY — how I love to see your blog. I have such trouble thinking about what to quilt. I am so afraid everything will be too difficult. Some how, you seem to make me feel even I should give your designs a try. THANKS !

  • Absolutely amazing!

  • This is totally fun Lori! Going to play with this this afternoon…doodling while I cook lunch so I’ll be ready. :)!! You truely are a very gifted designer and FMQuilter. I heard once that God gave us gifts to help and share with other people making their lives better. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us. They bring me so much joy.

  • farmquilter

    Absolutely adorable!!! Keepers for sure 🙂



  • Great idea – these will be fun 🙂 Thank you

  • Roxanna

    You are so kind to share!! Merry CHRISTMAS!!

  • These are awesome!!! Thanks so much. I am going to try them out this weekend!!! Happy Holidays :^)

  • You really are amazing!

  • Jessie Gaskin

    I love your beautiful work and the tutorials. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  • Roxanne

    Beautiful as usual. I am just in awe of your talent.

  • Shirley

    Thank you for another inspirational tutorial … keep them coming and
    Merry Christmas

    • Muriel Stanley

      I have a lot of fun practicing along your FMQ tutorials. Thank you for sharing and Joyeux Noel!

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