25 Weeks to Better Machine Quilting QAL
Good Morning, Quilters!
As you may have noticed, I’ve been absent from blogging and from our 25 Week Quilt-a-Long for quite awhile.
For Everything There is a Season
My brother-in-law died after several weeks in and out of the hospital.
I was his biggest fan…and he was one of my biggest cheerleaders.
Many of you have met my sister, Pat who frequently travels with me on quilting trips. Please keep her in your prayers.
We welcomed our first grand daughter, Elizabeth, into the world!
We now have five grandsons and one granddaughter!
Congratulations, Nora and Travis and boys!

A Time to Reap and a Time to Sew
It’s been a tremendously emotional time.
I have found solace in long walks and quiet, meditative quilting.
But I have not had the energy to focus on the steps (photography, editing and writing) necessary to create a quality blog post.

Quilt A Long, New Schedule
My original plan was to complete the quilt a long before Christmas this year…
The new plan is to pick up with Lesson 23 right away in January.
These are big lessons–pulling all of our work together–and it will be a fun and creative way to kick off 2021!
Family First
Until then, I will be spending a lot of time with my family and will pop in here once in awhile.
May YOU Enjoy all HEALTH and Happiness,
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books! They are ALL bestsellers!

At times like these it is of the up most importance that you take the time with family to surround you and be with you and for all sincere sympathy,
Leila Solange
…. true Lori, everything has its time under the sun and now it’s time for you to be with the family, help your sister and enjoy your granddaughter, I believe that her smile will be a freshness in the heart so painful. We met in 2021 with the grace of our good God. Hugs
Cindy Clark
So sorry for your loss, Lori, but what a joy to have a new Granddaughter to love. Many years ago, I lost a very special brother-in-law. It’s never easy to lose a dear friend . See you again in January .
Sorry to hear about your loss. Congratulations on your new granddaughter. This year has brought many losses. The births are the bright spots. Prayers for you and your family.
susan ulrichSusan
So sorry for your loss! And happy for your little granddaughter! Not to wworry Lori, we will wait until you are ready to resume. 🙂
Kirsten Artmann Weiss
Family always comes first! Take care of you, too! I was sorry to learn of your loss. Maybe, I can catch up as I joined in late and then had no time to work on my quilting! Blessings!
Dolores R
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care of yourself and your family and enjoy your new granddaughter. We will all be here when you are ready to come back and start again.
Sue Muza
So sorry for your loss. Happy for the addition to your family. You keep taking care of you and yours, we’ll be fine. Maybe we can even get caught up.
Rebecca O, Pa
Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. We will be here whenever you are ready to return.
Kathy B
Take care of what’s most important, you and your family! So sorry to hear about your family’s loss, take care of your sister.
Kresti Lyddon
I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences for you and your family.
Mary Northway
I am so sorry that you have lost a beloved brother. Your sister is so lucky to have you. I wish for you to find your peace. The blessings a grand daughter will bestow on you will be a bridge to your healing. Don’t worry about work. We will be waiting for you whenever you are ready. God Bless, Mary
Maureen Teoh
Dear Lori ,
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother in law . Please know my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family . I pray that this time together will help to be begin healing from this loss .
Congratulations on the birth of your grand daughter . I am sure emotions have just been like a roller coaster these days . I am thankful for this wonderful tiny gift as this new baby will help you smile and remember how precious life is .
JoAnn Castiglia
Our deepest sympathies for you snd your family. No words can ever express concern and love for you. Family first !! Praying for you 🙏🙏
Cindy Holten
My heart goes out to you and your family in the loss of your BIL. When you lose someone close to you, a part of your heart hurts for some time. I, too, lost my wonderful BIL early this year, so I understand your heart ache. And I congratulate you on your newest and first granddaughter. I hope she grows up and plays sports WAY better than your grandsons…LOL! Thank you for your update on your life. It was great hearing from you. Yes, family first! We will continue to pray for you and your family.
Shelley Kaurin
Blessings to you, I look forward to our time in January.
my prayers go out to you and your family.
Rita S
Dear Lori so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother-in-law. This year has seen the loss of so many. Take time for yourself and family to heal. So glad to hear of your addition of a new granddaughter. She will be a precious distraction to everybody.
I think I can agree that many of have not had the time to practice our FMQ. Life tends to find other distractions for us to focus on or the need for down time.
Stay safe and be still.
Elizabeth T
Praying for you and your family. We love you. We understand these difficult times. It’s important to make time for yourself. May God Bless you and keep you safe. My you find comfort in His ways.
My sincere condolences to you and your family.
Patricia Foukas
May his memory be Eternal. Prayers for you and your family.
Lori, I will be thinking of and praying for you and your family in the coming weeks and months. It is so hard to lose someone. I pray you will find joy in the memories and praise the Lord for blessing you with those memories! Enjoy that new little one.
So sorry to hear of your loss. Please don’t worry about us. I am so far behind because of the death of our son, as well as cancer surgeries for my husband and brother both and the battles that follow. Family does come first, and my support is needed for our son’s grieving twin sister, our wonderful daughter-in-law, two beloved grandsons and other family members. It is nice to hear there was a break, perhaps I can catch up a little. I am so grateful for the recordings. Thank you and take care.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I am so sorry for your loss and your on going family health concerns. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Take all the time you need, Lori. I am sorry for your loss, overjoyed for the new little life in your life, and wish you rest and healing. We, and free motion quilting, will all be here when you are ready, and have plenty to practice on until then.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family , I lost my Mother , brother and my best friend recently so I know you need to take time for yourself – know that you helped me thru my losses. Enjoy that sweet new grand baby ❤️
Paula Lackner
I’m very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Heal your soul and take time for you right now.
Bobbie Elder
Lori, you have no reason to feel apologetic to us. You have given so much of your time and talent for us! We are truly blessed to reap of your wisdom! You’ve had a very emotional and stressful time! I hope you will be able to rejoice this Christmas season and celebrate the two special family members—one lost and one just arrived. Know that I am praying for you and your family. And, you know—waiting until January will allow us all to doodle, doodle, doodle and practice, practice, practice! Sending love and hugs! Bobbie
Susan Fox
I am so sorry to hear of your dear sister’s loss and joyful about your grandbaby. Family is always first.
Judy Hazel
May God be your strength and comfort at this time of loss Lori. Take care of yourself and your family. This is your priority at this time. You and your sister and family will be in my prayers.
Sorry for your loss, I pray strength, health, and love over your family, In Jesus Name!
Lori Hope
I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother-in-law! I wish you and your family comfort and healing.
And, congratulations on the birth of your first granddaughter–may she bring all of you the joy and comfort you need at this time!
Peace, Love and Strength to you and your family in this time of mourning. I’m sure many of us can identify in one way or another and we are with you in spirit. You have given us so much already and we will be fine.
Sorry for your sister’s loss. Heartfelt sympathies to the family. Congratulations on your new granddaughter.. One life lost another gained. Praying that the new year will bring us all blessings.
Claudia Burns
I’m so sorry to hear of your sad time. I feel your pain as my son passed last year . I’m impressed how you filled your time with positive activities and here you are , carrying on! Congratulations on your new granddaughter and thank you for sharing your life with us. Don’t worry about blogging less, we have plenty to keep busy with on your wonderful website! (And in my new books). Stay safe, Yours, Claudia
Lori Kennedy Quilts
So sorry to hear of
The loss of your son. Prayers for you!
Jo Baner
So sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies… Congratulations on your new granddaughter. In life, all things seem to balance out somehow. Enjoy your holiday season!
So sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Joys and sorrows in your life. Take all the time you need.
Jeanie Bassett
Oh my, please do not worry about us and keep your family near. Sounds like a good time for us to get more practice done and be ready for our new “restart” in the new year. I also have 5 grandsons and 1 granddaughter which arrived last spring. So much fun! Oh, and found out recently that the granddaughter is going to be a big sis to a baby brother in May! Just enjoy your family, support your sister, celebrate this holy season and we will be here when you are ready.
Mrs. Plum
I’m so sorry to hear of your family’s loss. Know that all of you will be in my prayers. Please take care of yourself. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. Life continues, doesn’t it?
such bittersweet news. My deepest sympathy on the loss of your brother-in -law. Please feel free to take all the time you need to grieve. Grief doesn’t follow a schedule. Hold the memories in your heart Your followers will be here when you are ready to return.
And congratulations on a lovely little granddaughter. What joy to have a little girl
Wishing you peace, solace, and joy this season.
Lori, so sorry to hear this. So so sad, but a new granddaughter- how wonderful! I have one and she’s the light of my life. All my kids are boys so a girl is really fun. Hugs from me and yes, family is always first. 🙂
Dear Lori,
By leaving the acorn, milkweed, and feathers next to your drawing, you just gave us another lesson!!!! Thank you for this lesson and this insight into how you make your magic. Prayers are with you. We will be waiting when you are ready to come back!
Hi Lori,
I’m sorry to hear that your brother in law passed on. My heart goes out to you.
Also, I am happy for you that you now have your first granddaughter! May God protect and guide her and her parents as they raise her.
Since I haven’t even begun the quilt along, I am hoping you will use the same photography and borrow from the same blog posts and host another quilt along so I can have your support and the support of others in the group in another quilt along the way.
Sending you hugs of condolences and congratulations at the same time.
Valerie J Garrison
Jenny Garcia
Sending many hugs your way, Lori. It sounds like you’ll have many good memories to focus on with your brother-in-law’s passing. Honor your grief and say goodbye in the best way you can. Take care of yourself and your family.
Patricia Stein
The pain of losing your brother-in-law on top of this pandemic is so difficult to bear. You chose rightly when you chose your family. My Mom died 10 years ago this week. I still miss her terribly.
Take good care and know your priorities are in the right place.
Patty Stein
Please take as much time as you need … sorry for your loss…blessings as we head into the holiday season and new year
Leslie Cotter Ferrell
Dear Lori,
SO sorry about your brother-in-law. My adored b-i-l, my husband’s brother, is in Intensive Care on a respirator as I write and I just can’t imagine the world without him in it. Sincerest condolences to you and your family.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I am so sorry to hear that! It is so difficult to not be able to visit! Prayers for you and tour family!
Barb Michel
My deepest sympathy in the loss of your brother-in-law. Congratulations on a girl grand child. Take time for yourself. Prayers are with you.
Saddened to learn of the loss of a dear brother-in-law. Loved hearing of the birth of a sweet granddaughter. Thank you for sharing not only your talents, but your joys and sorrows as well.
Lori, please take all the time you need for grieving and breathing. You are such a generous, lovely woman – now it is your turn. We can wait until you feel better. I am thinking of you and include you in my prayers. Stay warm and safe.
Dear Lori,
My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I have been experiencing the same situation and have been absent for many weeks so did not know of the change in schedule. Please take all the time you need and want. If that is February or March, then so be it. We will all wait for you without pressure or grumbling. Although I do not know any of the other women in this group, I have read many of their dear and kind comments so feel like I can be a voice for the vast majority of gals.
Merry Christmas Lori….see you in 2021!
Blessings, Linda Morgan
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