Cats and Quilt Show

September 23, 2016
Pamela's Kitty, Duncan, Nutley, NJ
Pamela’s Kitty, Duncan,
Nutley, NJ

Good Morning, Quilters and Cat-Lovers!

THIS JUST IN….All Craftsy Classes are under $20–FLASH SALE…Use my affiliate link to get the BEST PRICES!  

Thank you so much for sending in photos of your sewing room companions.

They are all adorable!

Some of the cats look like they know how to sew…others look like they don’t approve of our color choices and still others look like they should be kept away from the scissors!

One of the kitties actually writes a Quilting Column for a magazine–(See if you can guess which one!)

Lorna's Cat, Igor Golden, BC
Lorna’s Cat, Igor
Golden, BC
Sally’s Cat
Nancy’s Kitty, Pumpkin


Nancy’s Kitty, Pumpkin
Marie's Momma Kitty, Ringgold, Texas
Marie’s Momma Kitty, Ringgold, Texas


Marie's Momma Kitty and Corky, Ringgold, Texas
Marie’s Momma Kitty and Corky, Ringgold, Texas “Does He have to be here?, I was here first!”
Julia's Cat, Marley Westminster, Maryland
Julia’s Cat, Marley
Westminster, Maryland
Suzy's Cat, Max
Suzy’s Cat, Max (He was 16 years old in this photo and disappeared shortly after this portrait.)
Max and Cindy's Cat, and Sewing Supervisor, Blanchie Green Bay, Wisconsin
Max and Cindy’s Cat, and Sewing Supervisor, Blanchie
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Max and Cindy's Cat, and Sewing Supervisor, Blanchie Green Bay, Wisconsin
Max and Cindy’s Cat, and Sewing Supervisor, Blanchie
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Joanne's Cat, Elliot
Joanne’s Cat, Elliot
Judy's Cat, Kitty Bitty
Judy’s Cat, Kitty Bitty–Loves the cutting process!
Maureen's Kittys, Rosie and Lavender
Maureen’s Kittys, Rosie and Lavender Both “playing with the endless yarn ball in the sky” now.
Yvonne's Kitty
Yvonne’s Kitty
Diana's Cat, Worf
Diana’s Cat, Worf—We’ve all had quilting days like this, Worf–it will pass!
Diana's Cat, Worf
Diana’s Cat, Worf
Mary's Cat, PE Florida PE does a good job mugging for the camera!
Mary’s Cat, PE
PE does a good job mugging for the camera!


Check out Brannie’s quilting column in the Online Quilt Magazine HERE.  The basic subscription is free!

Annette's Cat, Brannie Australia
Annette’s Cat, Brannie
Annette's Burmese Cat, Brannie Australia
Annette’s Burmese Cat, Brannie

“You can teach a cat anything….

that it wants to do.”

Happy Quilting, Kitties!


PS…Dogs and Quilts coming soon!

PS…The images in today’s post are used with permission…All other tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!









  • All the cats are adorable but Worf just made my heart melt. He really captures the essence of how exhausting quilting can be. 🙂

  • rascassepoule

    my cats also love my quilts; yours pictures are very amazing

  • I like Pumpkin’s attitude. Very “in the moment” kind of kitty. Love the pics. I was out of town and maybe missed it but did you do the doggies yet? Hopefully you haven’t put the pictures up yet.

    • Support

      Doggies coming soon! Still time to send photos-please add Dogs and Quilts in the subject line so I don’t miss it!

  • Loved seeing all these sewing room kitty cats…. Worf really stole the show for me…. what great photographs! Christine x

  • Thank you. I really enjoyed this. I do not have a kitty of my own – and won’t be getting one. But I LOVE seeing everyone else’s.

  • Maureen B.

    Thanks, Lori, for sharing all the kitties. Rosie and Lavender would have been quite chuffed to be involved. I thought after 4 years I’d be able to volunteer at the SPCA “cat house”, but after a visit there I realize I still can’t work there without wanting to take them all home.

  • Carolyn

    I don’t own a cat, we are dog people, but, these photos make you smile! Next time you’ll have to call for dogs! Or any other furry family member..

  • Ellen Good

    Glad to know my cat isn’t the only one that loves to sew! 🙂 Love these pics!

  • Karen

    These are so cute!! I thought just dogs like to get on your quilts you are arranging. Guess that is because our cat is not allowed in the house. If she was, there would be black fur on everything. Tip, our black cat with a white tip on her tail would love it, but I would never get anything done as I would be cleaning up after her always. Enjoyed the pics. We love our pets! They are so faithful and such a comfort.

  • Susan Konkel

    Glad to see none of you are purr-fect either. Thought my two inspectors were being too critical of my work.

  • Lynne Capehart

    I always tell my friends that my quilts have been cat scanned. Love the picture of the cat on the lap of the man watching TV. When I put a quilt on my lap in the evening, I have one cat who can hear the sound of the quilt from anywhere in the house. She comes running to get on my lap. I have occasionally had all four cats on my quilt lap at once!

  • They’re all so cute!

  • Thoroughly enjoyed Anyone luck enough to be owned by a cat or two, knows to expect anything anytime.

  • Rynetta Coetzee

    Love the cats, we have two, always up to mischief 🙂

  • Diana

    Worf has actually taken to chasing the other cats off if they sit on the quilt I’m currently working on. But he leaves them alone if they sit on one I’m not working on. It’s so funny!!!

  • Tavette

    Worf TOTALLY exhausted from watching all the work that goes into quilting and Brannie swim/sleeping with the seals. Hahaha to ALL the photos. They are SO inquisitive and, of course, would rather we be spending time patting and attending to THEIR every need.

    Tavette – S. Fla..

  • These are the best! Made my morning!

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