Today's Topic: Quilting Feathers on the Carolina Lily Good Morning, Quilters! Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU, for your outpouring…
Today's Topic: First Steps in Machine Quilting Hello, Quilters! I am making great progress quilting my favorite quilt top-The Carolina…
Today's Topic: Loading the Quilt and the Double Batting Good Morning, Quilters! After a fabulous retreat and a not-so-fabulous second…
Today's Topic: Quilting a Vintage Quilt-Diamonds On Diamonds Good Morning, Quilters! As you may recall, I took the plunge this…
Good Morning, Quilters! I've been quilting for more than twenty years! Most of my free motion quilting has been done…
Today's Topic: Deep Work Quilting, Learning a New Skill Good Morning, Quilters! I'm back! After a long, unplanned hiatus from…
Today's Topic: Learn to Longarm Quilt Good Morning, Quilters! Starting today, I will be adding a new series of posts,…
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