Better Quilting Through Doodling–Trees

November 30, 2017
Tree Quilt motif, How to doodle a Christmas Tree

Tree Quilt motif, How to doodle a Christmas Tree
Good Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

It’s time for another Doodle Lesson…because we all know…”If you can doodle it, you can quilt it!”

Doodling is the fastest way to improve your machine quilting skills–and it’s fun, too!

Today we are doodling Christmas Trees.

Start with the basic shape–nothing fancy and don’t worry about symmetry.

Tree Quilt motif, How to doodle a Christmas Tree

Next, divide some of the trees with simple lines.

Tree Quilt motif, How to doodle a Christmas Tree

Fill the trees with doodling.

Use Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 for ideas like Easy Loops or Pebbles.How to Doodle Christmas treesSee how many variations YOU can design!
How to Doodle Christmas trees

We are just getting started.  Next week we will use our favorite trees to create a variety of compositions.

Oh Tannenbaum! How whimsical are thy branches!

Your Tree Trimming Friend,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Eva m

    This is so cute and inspiring. Can’t wait
    To try that doodle!

  • Jane Woods

    Since my last name is Woods I always quilt 3 trees in every quilt I make. After looking at your post I see I could make my trees much more interesting. Thanks

  • rascassepoule

    waouh ! ( partir d’une forme simple d’arbre et en faire un bijou !) : arrive to a jewel just with a form of tree ! I love it

  • Marianne Simancek

    Love the trees! I am new to free motion quilting but this looks doable and fun. Thanks!

  • Now I need to go stitch a Christmas tree……lol

  • Barb Czarniecki

    Love the trees- perfect for some holiday quilting!

  • Karen Williams

    Lori, These trees are fantastic – simple, yet unique & individual. Like many of your readers, I love how you keep coming up ideas to personalize our quilts. I haven’t gotten to a level of comfort or competence with FMQ — yet, but still like to incorporate unique ideas into my hand-quilted projects. The one nearly finished (for my younger grandson) has guitars (approx. my hand size) across the background & guitar necks around the border. I made my own stencils & used Pounce to mark it. Keep those brain juices flowing!!

    • Support

      Thank you for your kind words!! I’ve been thinking we need to quilt some musical instruments!

  • Kristin

    How about some more fun designs for us folks who celebrate Hanukkah???????

    • Support

      What would you recommend? We have a dreidel tutorial. I’d be happy to doodle something else if you give me some ideas!

      • Kristin

        I have seen your dreidels! Maybe some Stars of David, Menorahs with candles….thanks for considering this!

  • woodlandsgram

    Would like to see the whole tree quilt without the doodle pad in the middle of it, please.
    Now I want to make a table runner with a forest of trees around the entire edge and other doodlings inside. This is addictive!

  • Barbara Meyers

    I have been quilting on my standard sewing machine for about a year and would like to try doing something different. Where do I start? How do I keep the stitches even? So many questions.

  • Pat Evans

    Oh, now you have me craving red and green gumdrops.

  • Lori Hope

    LOVE the poppies as filler!!

  • Marty

    Truly love these trees and want to make a forest of then!

  • Donna Belisle

    It never ceases to amaze me, how your fertile brain jumps into an open space and finds the perfect filler, every time. Love the trees.

    • Support

      Thank you!!

      • Donna Belisle

        No, the thanks go to YOU and we sure do love what you give to us so freely.

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