Better Quilt-a-Longs Through Doodling

April 7, 2016
Scallop Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Scallop Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

I’ve really been enjoying all the comments from yesterday’s #RealSewingRoom post.    I guess I’m not alone–and as we all know-misery loves company!  (I think it may be a group case of co-enabling?!?)

Thanks for posting your photos on Instagram…if you want to see what is already posted, you must sign up for an Instagram account and then search:  realsewingroom or realsewingrooms….

While you’re there…check out the very funny #womenIRL (women in real life)…it never fails to amuse.


Next week in our Nautical Quilt-a-Long  we will be adding rows of scallops…(By the way, if you haven’t started–it’s not too late!)

Let’s get a head start by doodling our options.

The scallops will be in the one inch rows-so use that as your guide.


See how many variations of scallops you can doodle.

Once you have basic scallops, try adding embellishments in between.

Scallop Doodles, Lori Kennedy

In just a few minutes, you will have several new border motifs!



Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win my Craftsy video, Creative Free Motion:  From Doodle to Design.  The winner will be announced on Monday morning–when the class is open…I’m excited and nervous–I haven’t seen it yet!


It’s Open Line Friday–and I need YOUR help–those pesky technical problems keep plaguing readers…if you have any expertise in this area please help us out tomorrow…

Also…I will dig through my sewing files and find the patterns for my three wall quilts…

Anything else???


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • Janet

    What fun to be adding scallops and not know where we are going with this yet…love the mystery of it all.

  • Carol

    It seems obvious now that I see you do it, but using graph paper to doodle on is a great idea. The spacing is already measured out for you. Thanks for the tip.

  • Deborah A Herold

    I love your posts, and just wish I had enough hours in the day to practice. Yes, I know I should just use those minutes to & from work, but I love to look at the scenery with all the gorgeous wildflowers here in TX. I do carry a notebook to scribble in, just don’t remember to get it out of my purse!

  • Remember when you sewed your finger with your 820? Two days ago I did the same thing with my 830 — fortunately the needle bent but did not break (Superior’s titanium coated needle) – but ouch! Hopefully am not too far behind on my quilt-along!

    • Support

      Oh no!!!! Perhaps you should go to the doctor–it could have chipped the bone! I will be thinking of you all day!

  • Marta, south Georgia

    Lori, I see your graph paper is in a pad. I have never seen that before. I buy those packets in which each page is separate.. Is yours from an office supply store, perhaps? Thanks…

    • A

      It’s an old scientific notebook. Not sure where you can get them….I’ll look around.

  • Ingrid

    The pics show up fine on my iPad, though I have experienced this on other sites.

  • Andrea_R

    What kind of technical problems? 🙂

    • A

      Thanks, Andrea–Several people have noted that on their iPads, their photos are showing up very small–I haven’t done anything different with my photos.

      • Andrea_R

        Lemme check my ipad. Could be the Jetpack plugin if you’re using that. Could be Safari, which is just a pain. 😀

  • Ellie

    As usual, you get me all revved up in the morning and anxious to start quilting. But sometimes I am not able to get to my quilt room. So way too many blogs are saved ‘for the future” Guess the future is right now so I have to find a way to the quilt room every day.
    Thanks for the motivation.

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