• Lucia Santos

    Thank you for this information at this time of the year. Have a Blessed Easter

  • We used to carefully break one end of the egg and stir the insides up enough to scramble them, with a nut pick, all during Lent. Then we would wash out the shells and turn them upside down in the carton to thoroughly dry and set aside. The Friday and Saturday before Easter we were busy making all flavors of Jello. Then we would carefully pour the different flavors in the egg shell molds and let them set up. Sunday we would carefully peel the eggs and lay them in a bed of lettuce leaves. It was quite festive.

  • cyndy p

    They are beautiful. I tried to do this in a class years ago. Glad I tried but that was first and last for me. Instead, I think I’ll buy mine given the chance πŸ™‚

  • Rosemary B

    Oh gosh these eggs are so amazing. I think I have one in my curio cabinet. Mom and dad I believe got it for me when the went to Prague. Such treasures
    Happy week-end πŸŒΉπŸŒΌπŸŒŸβ˜€οΈ

  • Wendy

    Thank you for this information. And the pictures in the ink are truly beautiful and amazing.

  • Rhonda R Goss


  • I would absolutely love to hunt for these Easter eggs!

  • Helen S.

    How beautiful and timely! Today is the day we are giving young grandchildren the opportunity to learn how to make the Pysanky

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