Back to School

September 4, 2012

By now all the kiddies are back in school – a day which most parents view with a mix of relief and regret.  It seems like it will be a relief to have a quiet house for a few hours, but the tradeoff is the end of summer and the renewal of schedules and the dreaded homework

When you have a few moments…I think you will enjoy this TED talk.   It’s an amusing, but serious discussion about creativity and the educational system.  So brew yourself a cup of tea, put up your feet and enjoy 20 minutes…



  • Excellent! My little darlings are back to school also, so yes, I have more time while they are gone, but after school can be quite hectic sometimes. I have one who is home with me most of the time because he has graduated and decided that college is not for him. (He does have a full time job and help with chores still, thank goodness!) Loved the TED talk and posted it to my facebook because I wholeheartedly agree with Sir Robinson. I read an article about him about a month ago and am glad to learn more about his thoughts on education. Thanks for the great post! A great book to read is Imagine: How Creativity Works, by Jonah Lehrer.

    • Thanks for the book idea, I will order it right away–I hope you have time for creativity while the kiddies are at school…a happy Mom is a happy child!

  • Luckily I wasn’t rushing through the blogosphere today and I clicked on the video link. AWESOME! What a totally awesome message. If only it would sink in. It struck me the speech was made in 2006 and is still relevant today. Thanks so much for your post today.

  • I’ve been an empty-nester for over 15 years and the word ‘Homework’ still makes me cringe. Great post!

    • I know it’s a necessary evil, but when the weather is so nice, I’d rather see the kids go out and play…

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