Baby Safety Pins–A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

January 24, 2017

Good Morning, Quilters!

What better way to welcome a new baby into the world than with a quilt!  

Last week we stitched The Baby Carriage.  This week we’ll add The Baby Safety Pin.  The Safety Pin can be stitched in a row to create a border, or add a loopy line between motifs to use it as an all over motif.

Baby Carriage, FMQ, Lori Kennedy


Begin by drawing parallel lines-2 inches apart.  Add a parallel line 3/4″ below the top line.  Begin stitching on this line.

Stitch an upside down “U”.


Stitch in 3-4 stitches, then stitch a smaller upside down “U”.  Sew over a few more stitches to close the shape.

Stitch down to the bottom line and curl up.

Stitch a full circle..

Add another partial revolution…

Stitch a straight line, ending next to the top of the Safety Pin.

Stitch on the previous line of stitching back to the bottom of the “pin”, then add a loopy line.

Begin another Safety Pin in the row or stitch the motif as an all over pattern.

Whatever you do….

Don’t stick yourself and definitely, don’t pinch the baby!

Happy Baby Sitting!


PS…Velcro may be safer, but as a quilting motif…not so much!

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!

PPS…Check out my Craftsy videos50% OFF—Limited Time Only–Offer Expires April 15, 2017

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Doodle to Design, Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy Title Card



  • L84quilting

    I love ALL of your wonderful designs! Thank you for keeping us going!

  • Betty Ochoa

    Looks So easy, I hope I can do it!

  • Those baby safety pins are SO cute!!!

  • Lynne Stucke

    Oh, Lori!!! Your timeliness is PERFECT!! I just finished piecing 2 baby quilts and was wondering how I might quit them. Those diaper pins are just the thing for borders, and possibly for a free-motion filler. Thank you, thank you!!!! (lynnstck[at]

  • scrappychris

    Today a friend of mine and I spent 1 hour and 15 minutes picking out the fabric for a
    baby quilt and then I come home to open your blog for the day! Perfect timing and this isn’t the first time this has happened! Thanks, Lori.

    • Support

      Cant wait to see what you create!

  • Gertrude

    Perfect timing! Our first “local” grandchild should be born any day now. It’s going to be so exciting to have a grandchild close by. I have a quilt almost done and was just today wondering how I would do the border. Guess what I’ll be doodling this evening?!

  • Vanessa

    The diaper pins!! Love! I still have a couple that I used on my children. One’s a ducky…this has given me an idea! Yay!!! So fun, thanks Lori! So Cute!

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    I was thinking about the baby safety/diaper pin and how it has receded into history (may not even be recognized by new mums who have never had exposure to this method) when I saw your note about Velcro not being much of a FMQ motif. Agreed! A boring little square. You’d have to create two hands pulling it apart, and without the RIP sound, it doesn’t fly.
    Love love love the baby pin and pram motifs. Unfortunately my last grand anything is now 8 and wouldn’t appreciate such cuteness. Buuuuttt, there are those donation quilts … Hmmmmmm. ?

  • Becky Shaffer

    Thanks, Lori. The baby motifs are so cute! I’m already thinking about how I’ll use them in my next baby quilt.

  • Sweet! Perfect for the baby charity quilts that need quilting!

  • Super-cute pin! Love it and the baby carriage. (And everything else!) Your creative stitching never ceases to amaze me.

  • Carrolyn v

    What a gorgeous, gorgeous quilt! It would be on my wall too….forever! I am always so in awe of your work!

  • This motif would be great on a sewing/quilting themed quilt as well. Sew cute!

  • Christina in FL

    Oh Lori, these tutorials are SO timely as I quilt a baby quilt for a friend. 🙂 Thank you so much!!!

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