Happy Monday, Quilters!
Do you need a change of pace?
Do you need steps? (#losethosefatquarters)
Are you interested in history?
Or need practice using your camera?

Do you need quilt ideas?

Color inspiration?

Maybe you just need a laugh….

I was able to visit the Denver Art Museum while in Denver filming for Craftsy. Inspiring!
When is the last time you visited YOUR local art museum?
What inspired YOU?
We’d LOVE to hear!
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt. For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com. Thanks!
wonderful, I love museum,thanks for pictures
Fatima Lucas
Thank you for your wonderful pictures. I visit every museum I can hit when I go somewhere, because it let’s me see the heart of a community. It may not be about THAT particular community, but the fact that it is there and there are people that care enough to preserve … is very warming to the heart. To me… it means that its people are willing to work hard so that I, I and many others can feast in the beauty of what’s inside as well! When I get home, I appreciate my surroundings that much more!
Rebecca Grace
The last time I visited a local art museum, I was chaperoning a 7th grade field trip. We went to the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art and to the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts + Culture. My best inspiration came from the Harvey B. Gantt museum, where they were hosting a traveling exhibit showcasing the history of the Dance Theatre of Harlem. They had the most amazing, fascinating COSTUMES on display from innovative ballets going back 40 years, and we were able to scrutinize every hand-stitched bead and sequin and learn about the ingenuity of the costumer, who had to improvise with dying ballet shoes and tights back when they could only be purchased in shades of pink and peach. And there were videos of some of the costumes “in action,” and it was fascinating to see how the costumes were designed to be viewed in motion in a dance, how they came to life and supported the artistic production. You can see some of it here: http://www.dancetheatreofharlem.org/who-we-are/exhibitions
Thanks for sharing your photos from the Denver Art Museum. Those textiles are fantastic. They’re not quilts, though, are they? Are they Native American weavings?
Those are fantastic…..very inspiring
Visited the Royal Museum once when I went to Toronto w Spouseman when he went
for his company. I called ahead to determine whether I could take my camera. Yes, she said. There was a visiting exhibit of angels art from Italy. Of course it was displayed in very low light. I was trying to see the settings on my camera and having hard time with it. I was not sure I was going to wind up with any good frames. UH OH, a guard came and told me I was not allowed to take pictures.I told him I had called ahead. He said, Generally yes. But not of the visiting exhibit. He followed me around the rest of my visit to the museum. I mean within 10 feet of me. My Spouseman loves to tell the story about how his wife was “busted” in the museum in Toronto! And my photos were too dark to enjoy..! Lesson learned. LOL
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I have found that to be true as well–photos only of the permanent collection.
The Denver Art Museum is great – used to live there. I thought that the Native peoples exhibit looked familiar. I love museums, too.
That museum is a wonderful place – haven’t been in Denver for a long time. Living near Mystic CT we have many museum type places, as well as museums, which are wonderful for inspiration. Thanks for the great reminder!
Elizabeth E.
I love visiting art museums, as it refreshes my creative side (and gets me out of the house). Thanks for the reminder!
Patti A.
Living with an avid fisherman I do love the last picture. Also the quilts are inspiring. We just got a new museum in our little town. I love going there so peaceful.
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