Another Art Heist!

April 18, 2016

Andy Warhol, Soup Cans, Lori Kennedy Designs

Good Morning, Quilters, Art Lovers, and Grilled Cheese Aficionados!

This just in!

The Pop Art Community was stunned last week when seven of Andy Warhol’s iconic soup cans were stolen from a Missouri museum.  (No guards on duty at night!)  Read more at NBC News.

Did you know that stealing art is one of the most profitable criminal enterprises in the world today-with losses exceeding $6 billion a year!

One of my favorite things to read about is Art Heists! I blogged about it HERE (Art Heists:  Captivating Reading)

For more check out my Amazon Affiliate link:

The Gardner Heist

Stealing Rembrandts The Untold Stories of Notorious Art Heists

Art Heist Books, Lori Kennedy

It’s amazing how many pieces of fine art are in poorly protected places like small museums, schools and universities, business offices…

There’s a $25,000 Reward–(that’s a lot of soup…)

Andy Warhol, Soup Cans, Lori Kennedy Designs

What about YOU?  What do YOU like to read about?

What do YOU want for lunch today?

We’d love to hear!



PS…Quilt videos taste great with lunch-Take a few minutes to watch Lesson One of Doodle to Design!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog,pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • What a fun post Lori.

    BTW, I watched your class last week and learned soooo much! I reviewed it on my blog the other day!

    Take care!

    • A

      Thank you! Your blog is fabulous! Love the name, Needle and Foot…and thanks for the tip on “incognito mode”…

  • Although its a fictional stolen art story, I really enjoyed “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt.

    • A

      thank you! I like fiction-especially when someone recommends it–I don’t do as well when I just pick a book by the cover and the title-LOL!

      • Maureen B.

        Peter Mayle (of “A Year In Provence” fame) also wrote a fictional art book called Chasing Cezanne … a wild romp through the south of France and a fun read.

  • Janet

    I love the humor in the post today! I usually have a banana for lunch…today I was out of them and had a blueberry yogurt. About quilting classes…I enjoy your creations here on the Jaunt but find it so fun to watch you doodle and sew it while hearing you explain what you are doing. I love the Craftsy classes. Fabulous job…I have both of your great classes! Thank you.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

    • Support

      Thank you!!! So glad you are here and there!!

  • Gertrude

    Enjoying this. I may start reading up some more on art heists. I love reading and always have several books on the go. I love getting good books into the hands of children so I give many children’s books away! I am currently helping a local Christian school improve their classroom libraries so I read a lot of children’s literature. There is a lot of not-so-good being written but there are also a lot of very good new books being published. A well-written children’s book can be enjoyed by all ages!

    • Support

      They are hard to find but I agree!

  • My book club enjoyed the novel, The Art Forger, by B.A. Shapiro, which features the Gardner Heist. Also, there is a series on Netflix called Raiders of the Lost Art that highlights art mysteries throughout history.

  • Thanks for the book titles I have added them to my reading list. I always enjoy your fine are Saturday posts and everything you do

  • loosecannon2

    Interesting as always Lori & followers. For reading I will always reach for anything by PD James whether it is another brilliantly written book or even the back of a cereal box, instructions on installing a light bulb or how to cook the perfect crepe. For me, PD James embodies perfection.

    And, speaking of stealing, on your Monday opening Lori;
    Are all of you as amazed as I am at the number of quilts that are stolen from shows, the mail, Fed-X, & UPS? I made a quilt several years ago for a nephew’s graduation & was afraid to trust it to public transport because so many quilts were being stolen at that time. A couple in FL were going to the area of Virginia I needed & were kind enough to shlep the king sized quilt to my nephew’s door. I was so fortunate but another guild member was not. I’m not sure if stolen quilts is as prolific but after we quilters put in the time, effort, & often frustration that interrupts our talents; stealing these creations should be considered a QUILT FELONY! And that dear quilters is my Monday Statute.

    • Support

      Very interesting! Great idea for a blog post!

  • Stealing art is a sad business. My motive for stealing art would be to hang it up and look at it everyday (but I have no desire to steal anything). But these just get passed around on the black market sometimes. Cannot understand why anyone would think they had the right to keep all the wonderful art to themselves and not share it with the world.
    I like mysteries, too. Particularly Southwest area writers. I like some biographies and some psychology/social behavior books like those by Malcolm Gladwell. So many books, so little time… Or is that just for quilts?

  • Maureen B.

    I love mysteries, especially those written by women. My favourites include Louise Penny (Canadian author who stages her tales in and around the Eastern Townships of Quebec, and parts of Montreal I knew well in my earlier life) and Donna Leon, an American author who has been in living in Venice for over 30 years. Lovely clean writing with little slang. A joy to read. Also Carol Drinkwater, a British author who has been living in France for nigh in 30 years, and writes about her life running an olive grove. Lovely reads.

  • Isn’t it amazing that so much profit can be made on such recognizable stolen goods! Smiling at your love of reading about art heists. I’m hooked on WWII stories. (Fiction and non-fiction) #boxlunch (hope it’s chicken salad) while setting up for QuiltWeek!

  • Klimt…where did that ‘p’ come from!

    • Maureen B.

      Thanks for the book title recommendations. I now have a new genre to explore. My local library has two of the four titles recommended, so I have a starting point. Fun summer reads. I also saw and enjoyed the movie – Helen Mirren can do no wrong.

    • you added the “p” because we SAY it with a “p”!

  • Diana

    I am so glad I signed up for your Craftsy class on Creative Free Motion Quilting. It is awesome and I’m only on Lesson 2. I am learning so much and am so impressed with the plethora of designs you have created and the diversity of uses for all of them. Thank you.

    • Support

      Thrilled to hear! Please post photos and leave a review!

      • Love this genre. Some good reads: Art Forger – Barbara A. Shapiro; I Was Vermeer – Frank Wynne; Art Forger’s Handbook – R. A. Scotti; Forger’s Spell: A True Story of Vermeer, Nazis, and the Greatesr Art Hoax of the Twentieth Century. And you must see the movie Woman in Gold (Klimpt painting stolen by the Nazis).

        • Support

          Can’t wait!! Thanks for the reading lay!

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