An (Andrew Carnegie) Library Jaunt

January 28, 2013
Andrew Carnegie Library

Andrew Carnegie Library

Stillwater, Minnesota is the home of one of the Andrew Carnegie Public Libraries established in the US, England, Ireland, Canada and elsewhere throughout the world.  Steel magnate and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie immigrated from Scotland to the United States in 1848.  He worked his way up from factory worker in a bobbin factory to one of America’s leading industrialists by the turn of the century.  After selling his iron works company to US Steel in 1901, Mr. Carnegie became one of America’s most prominent philanthropists.  He established over 2500 libraries worldwide, most of which still stand today.

Stillwater Public Library was established in 1897 and the building-overlooking the beautiful St. Croix River– was completed in 1902.  Over the years, several additions and remodeling efforts have seamlessly blended the historic building and architecture with modern needs for more space, handicap access, and new technology.

Stillwater Public Library004

The view from the outdoor reading area  (closed in winter):

Andrew Carnegie Library, St. Croix River

Andrew Carnegie Library, Books

Quiet study carrels:

Andrew Carnegie Library, Conference Rooms, Quiet areas

Comfortable reading areas:

Stillwater Public Library010

Original stained glass windows:

Stained Glass,Andrew Carnegie Library

A fabulous fine art collection–bequested from Richard Huelsman, a former library trustee, and others…

Stillwater Public Library009

And my favorite part…the camera books are directly across from…

Camera Books Andrew Carnegie Library

the quilt books!

Stillwater Public Library006

So if you’re looking for a little P and Q (peace and quiet)–or need anything to read, download to your Kindle, Iphone, etc…I would highly recommend a trip to your local (Andrew Carnegie?) library!

Andrew Carnegie Library



  • Ha! Reading your Kindle at the library…. Nice! 🙂

  • Really enjoyed your photos of the library! I love libraries and even though I have a kindle, I still enjoy going and spending some time there. It’s so peaceful and for some reason I get more work done there… probably because I don’t have the distractions I have at home (laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc.). I just love books and don’t think my kindle will totally replace that. ever.

    • I hadn’t been to this lovely library in years–I also own a Kindle. I didn’t realize what I was missing. Did you know you can get Kindle books from most libraries? I can even imagine myself reading my Kindle at the library. So lovely and so peaceful…

  • You can find a photo of the El Paso [Illinois] Public Library here:

  • I grew up reading books (and looking at old stereographs) at the El Paso Public Library in El Paso, Illinois (definitely *not* Texas)–which is also a Carnegie Library and is still in use as the town’s library today. It is still soo much one of my favorite places that just the mention of the name brings back memories of the smell of those books!

    • It is so nice to go inside a library! So funny how many people mentioned how much they enjoy the “smell” of books and libraries! I think a scent can transport us back in time faster than any other sense…

  • Pat, sister

    I was also thinking that your photos and commentary are great PR for the library—could you send your blog to them? I think that they would appreciate it.

  • Jeanne Crea

    Beautiful photos and history of the library! They could use your talents for PR! I mean it! And how fun that books about your two favorite hobbies were across from each other! My personal record was borrowing 70 books in one year from this beautiful library. Now I have a kindle so I don’t get there in person as much as before.Thank you for the delightful post!

    • 70 books, Jeanne! I also use a Kindle, but I will be heading to this library more often. A gorgeous sanctuary–that sells coffee!

  • I can almost smell those books. Oh the fun of a library.

  • Looks like a great library to get lost in for awhile… 🙂 Those seats look inviting.

  • What a gorgeous asset for your community. Very inspiring place to pick up a good read.

  • Thanks for Sharing Great History. Great Post. Mtetar

  • Our local library here in Oregon City is also a Carnegie library. We have a beautiful old building but they’re looking for another location because of the size. I really wish it would stay!

    • I was amazed how the architects in Stillwater were able to expand our library with a very limited amount of land with which to work!

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