Today’s Topic: American Quilter Subscription Giveaway!
Welcome to Week Nine of The Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
Find all of the previous Lessons HERE.
Sign up for emails of the class HERE.

Good Morning, Quilters!
Let’s celebrate! We are heading into our tenth week of quilting already!–We’ve come so far already–and most of the technical stuff is behind us. Now we can dive into the fun design aspects of machine quilting.
Speaking of good design…

American Quilter Magazine
For more that six years, I have written the “My Line” column in American Quilter Magazine. (Thank you to Ann Hammel, editor-in-chief who was an early follower of The Inbox Jaunt!)
American Quilter Magazine is one of the perks of being a member of the American Quilter Society. Membership also includes early access to shows and workshops and discounts on products and classes.
The magazine is chock full of great patterns, product reviews, award-winning quilt inspiration….It is a must-have in YOUR quilt library. (Not to mention an exciting prize in your mailbox!)

The Giveaway
To enter the American Quilter subscription giveaway please leave a comment today here at Lori Kennedy Quilts.
Please share a small quilting victory.
We would LOVE to hear about what you’ve learned over the past weeks. Perhaps you’ve discovered you work better with a hoop than with gloves. Or you’ve overcome your fear of adjusting tension. Maybe you’ve discovered the joy of doodling…
Everything you’ve learned is a small victory!
Have you finished quilt or project, or learned a new motif…Victory!

Sneak Preview
We will announce the winner (drawn at random) on Friday, August 21, 2020.
(Winners outside of the US will receive the digital subscription.)
The Lesson next week is on directional stitching and we will create the Sunny Day Quilt! It’s fast and easy and sure to add a little sunshine to YOUR week!
Note About Seamstresses in Fine Art
For the past five years, LKQ Saturdays have been dedicated to “Seamstresses in Fine Art”. While I’m sure I can find another five years worth of Seamstresses (they were a very popular subject) I would like to change things up a bit…For the next several months, I plan to highlight art by museum. In August and September, I will share highlights from the collection at The Art Institute of Chicago. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago so it was my introduction to fine art, and I suppose will always be my favorite museum. Last Saturday, we started with Georges Seurat’s A Sunday on LaGrande Jatte.
I hope you will continue to be inspired by and enjoy Fine Art Saturdays--one museum at a time!
What are YOUR Little Victories
What lesson has been most helpful to you?
Is there a small insight that has made quilting easier?
Have YOU tried the Fast/Slow Exercise?
Did YOU try the spray starch smooth glide experiment?
Have YOU created any of your own experiments?
What’s YOUR quilting super power?
We’d LOVE to hear!
Your Proud American Quilter,
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books! They are ALL bestsellers!

My cousins and my sister and I went to Paduccah, KY to the quilt show in 2005 We all joined the American Quilters Society for the discounts and perks. We loved the show and the magazine. i was happy to see Lori teaching us in the back. The magazine is absolutely amazing with all the quilts from the shows. So much inspiration!
There are so many things I’ve learned with LKQ 25 week online class. I think I am most grateful for the encouragement to doodle, something I’ve never done. It has been divine! Even learned to draw ourGuide Dog Puppy, Latifah! Lovely!!!
Conelhero Leila
Estou amando essas 25 semanas…….o que mais me impactou foi escrever em nossas colchas, deixar uma assinatura, um sentimento, fazer uma colcha personalizada…….gosto muito de como você ensina Lori, quando não podemos estar na máquina quiltando, com certeza estamos pensando num movimento, numa peça, em cores e rabiscos.
Annika Odelstav
My biggest victory is that I finally found fmq instructions on youtube and started to learn how to fmq from those videos. I have wanted to fmq since the 80s, but it was not a tradition in Sweden, so no books on the topic and no irl-teacher, and, of course, the internet was not yet invented! Love modern technology, especially in combination with traditional techniques made available!
I could’ve used your classes 20 years ago when I first started quilting but they still are helpful now and plan to use them every day. Thank you for taking the time and the details to show us the way
Elizabeth (Betsy) Zeigler
Doodling has been a new big helper and I think my big (not little) success!! Also by purchasing the other books of yours I have a paper copy and also the online helpers to follow. Loving the lessons and great advice from you and all the fellow quilters!😘
Elizabeth Boyle
I just love your books and these lessons! I am learning so much! Thank you!
Josee M Vachon
LOVE the book and so helpful for you to encourage us daily through your blog! My victory is that I am discovering I’m better at some motifs than others, which may become my “go-tos”!
Lisa Davidson
I have had tension problems in the past. Thank you for help with getting my perfect stitch!
I hope I’m not too late to enter! You have given me courage to do FMQ. Love you!
Lori Petering
One of my victories is to just do doodling. Although I don’t really like doodling, when I know what to doodle, it is much more rewarding. I’ve practiced doodling one particular design that I’m having trouble with in FMQ and have found that I’m finally getting the hang of it. Also, I’ve enjoyed doodling the flowers that Lori has taught us- mine have actually turned out looking like flowers!!
Lori B
I purchased the Boogie board you recommended so I have been doodling up a storm. My small quilting victory is my doodles are transferring to an actual quilt sandwich…finally! Your book is so helpful and I just love this 25 week learning schedule!!
Mary Newcomb
My small victory is knowing that your lessons will be ready when I am, no need to panic or do things in an incomplete manner. My life HAS to slow down sometime soon. Right?
Sharlene Ferrin
I love your posts and have used several of your designs in my fmq.
Joanna Stadler
Practice and PATIENCE with myself to take it easy and go at a pace that is comfortable for me, not try to keep up with someone else. Thank you for being so generous with your talents!
Laura M
My victory is doing doodling daily to help with FMQ.
Marilyn Grant
My small victory is taking the time to practice. Practicing really helps me gain confidence in my FMQ ability. I am enjoying the process. Thank you Lori!
I just love your whimsical approach to FMQ and recently finish quilting some of your motifs on different blocks and well as fillers. Super fun.
Jane Minton
Hi Lori, My victory is about doodling. This is something I have struggled with for some time (I don’t know why…) Yes, doodling does work for imprinting the shape into your mind and making the stitching more “automatic”, rather than stressful. It also helps for planning the next direction of stitching or for the next change of pattern, again because it is a familiar transition due to the practice. Thank you for your tips and tricks, they are awesomely helpful 🙂
So happy you’re here and doing this long class. I would be better if i.did.it every day but still see.improvement even with my sporadic work. When.I began.My panels looked ugly.and.messy. Fast forward and looking back.they really just look shaky, not horrible.small improvements are still improvements, thank you!
Donna Linnane
My small victory was HUGE! Your post about needle size and thread weight changed my sewing life. Now I can’t wait to start using your book to get some beautiful, fun things under my belt. Thank you!
Meredy Mastrokalos
Actually, mine is a great big victory! Last year my husband and had a terrible car accident on ice. He was killed and I was injured and it took a while, actually many months, to get to a new normal. For many months I could not bring myself to sit down and quilt. I missed it terribly. Finally, I started making masks for my neighbors, and have finally decided to finish a quilt that had been just sitting there for 18 months. It feels so right! I’ve never stopped reading your posts, and they have kept that tiny flame alive. I’m now back. Thank you!
Hi. I just wanted to say I’m so glad you’ve got back to quilting, it certainly is a big victory on your part, I know myself how much quilting can help us heal.Enjoy your quilt once you finish it!
MaryJeanne Bruce
For me it started with doodling! Never was allowed to doodle in school, just practice cursive, over and over. So now I am becoming a doodler and just need a pad around the house and when inspired doodle. And FMQ is something I have always wanted to do, and now I am on my way! Thank you Lori and all of you who on this journey with me, you inspire me!
Judy L
I’m so enjoying this teaching course. My skills ate definitely improving. Thank you.
My small victory is playing/practicing with my ‘quilt sandwiches’. It’s lowered my anxiety when it’s time to quilt – for real! – on a project. This is a great journey that will last a lot longer than 25 weeks. Thanks!!
Judy Morin
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to work on a machine – had right knee replacement surgery and can’t sew with right foot comfortably. Can piece with left or right foot, but slowly. Planning to start from the beginning as soon as I’m able to.
Kathy Feltmate
My small victory and now my super power is stippling!👏🏻👏🏻 I now will be able to move on,thanks to that and thanks to Lori!
Cindy J
I’m late to the party. Just purchased your book and will begin the lessons this week. My victory is that I am beginning my journey. Thank you!
Cathie Scanlon
My FMQ on a recent table runner was much better. i didn’t have as many episodes of the machine running away from me.
Biggest accomplishment for me was to actually getting started on my FMQ journey. Thank you!
Netty Satterlee
You are so expiring! I just bought your book and I am going to read page by page, before I start anything. I did something like this over thirty years ago, but nothing since. You have re-energized me. Grazie!
Pam Peterson
Biggest victory for me is just overcoming my fear of trying FMQ! The second victory is doodling doodling more often (though I haven’t gotten to a daily routine yet).
Denise S
My small victory is that I finally figured out the combination of settings on my sewing machine so I can FMQ a fluffy wool batting with a flannel backing. Warmest combination ever, but you have to really lower your pressure on the pressure dial.
I sat down and started doodling your designs immediately on my wipe board. When hubby said it was time for bed, we went upstairs, but I stole away into my quilt room and grabbed one of your older books (I have two) and started practicing away some more in bed! I would love to be entered into your newest book giveaway. Thank you for helping so many of us continue pursuing an art that our grammas and grandpas use to enjoy. It makes me feel more connected to my past. ;-).
Cari janssen
I have a binder filled with pages of your free motion articles for American Quilter. It was the first article I turned to when the magazine reached me.
I love your books! Doodling is a great exercise
Barbara Keefer
Each lesson is a plus for me. I’ve especially enjoyed trying the square flower variations and am going to incorporate three into the table topper. And what a nice idea the vinyl overlay is; I’ve gotten the supplies and now just need to get it together.
Thank you for all your knowledge, inspiration and help.
Lynda Sturm
I have learnt that doodling does definitely help me plan out my quilting. Getting the pattern right, best combinations and no fear of having to unpick if I dont like it
Linda VanderMolen
There has been so many good tips and inspiring designs I have learned!
Laura Betzoldt
My victory is forcing myself to stretch. I am finishing a queen size mystery quilt that has been waiting a couple of years to be quilted. Usually I use my walking foot as I did on most of this one. But, when it came to the 2″ border I decided this would be the place for some daisies joined by a couple of little loops. I doodled several pages of daisies, practiced on a muslin sandwich, then drew 1 3/4 circles to help me keep the size uniform. Dozens and dozens of daisies later, my borders are finished, and I am pleased. Thank you for the lessons. I am ready for the next challenge.
This FMQ journey has been so much fun! The best thing it’s done for me is give me confidence to tackle a quilt. I have always quilted by hand but wanted to make more quilts faster and this class is making it possible! The doodling has been the biggest thing I’ve learned. It’s amazing how it opens your mind to possibilities and it does translate to actual quilting. I cannot wait to continue on with this class! Lori is a GREAT teacher!
Enjoyed the encouragement to experiment and find what works!
Bobbie Elder
I am so excited that you are posting the Museum Saturdays. I volunteered at the Art Institute of Chicago years ago. I LOVED that museum! (We lived in Naperville for 5 years.). I remember Seurat’s huge painting! Looking forward to seeing your Saturday posts!
I have learned so much about preparation for quilting. I was never much of a doodler, but I am astounded at what a difference it has made since I started this quilt-along. Thank you so very much for this! I also enjoy seeing everyone else’s creations and reading the comments. This is a very kind and encouraging group of quilters—most quilters are, I have found.
Lori has been so generous in sharing all her knowledge and “tricks” to make free motion quilting easy. She is indeed a treasure to all of us quilters who have felt hopeless! Keep it coming Lori! And again, thank you..
I want to be considered for the subscription give away! My absolute favorite part of your classes is seeing everyone’s projects. They are all so different and beautiful. I love the connection with quilters all over the world. Thank you for your teaching. So much fun 🙌🏻
Kim Vogel
I have to shout “THANK YOU” at the top of my lungs for this opportunity to improve my FMQ. I have managed to get over my fear of the whole thing, have become rather proficient with the square flower motif and as a result, I’ve FINISHED one quilt and have two more in progress. I am excited about quilting for the first time! Helps to have gotten a new Bernina (570) with a bigger throat. I am loving the daily “incentives” to go up to my studio and work. THank you again!!!
I learned how to drive a stick shift on my Vega car when I was 20 years old. Driving the sewing machine with my left foot brought back memories. I also like the doodling, it makes me feel more like an acceptable sketch artist with all the practice. I’m enjoying the class.
Barb K
I have completed a fall table runner and plan to quilt it with inspiration from you!! I have done a little walking foot quilting but free motion will be my challenge.
I have had a quilt top sitting sandwiched and ready to go for about a year. I kept “visiting” it, trying to decide what to do. Suddenly, I thought about the leaf motif, and how it would work in the sashing. So now the sashing is quilted, it looks great, and I can’t wait to try other things in the blocks!
Barb Herman
I’ve pulled out my Walking Foot for my machine and finally figured out to use it after 13 years, and then out it away and enjoyed practicing free motion by hand! Thanks so much, Lori!
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