Adding On: Circle Doodles

January 18, 2018
Adding on to Circle Doodles

Good Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

Last week we doodled circles of different sizes and we filled the inside of the circles.  See Staggered Circles HERE

Adding on to Circle Doodles

This week we will start with Staggered Circles again, but let’s leave the center blank and design the outside of the circles.

First, draw lines equidistant apart on a sheet of paper. This helps keep the pattern from looking too random.

Then add staggered circles in a variety of sizes.

(NOTE–Several people asked about my large calendar pad–It is from Russel+Hazel–find HERE on my Amazon Affiliate link)

Lori Kennedy Circle Doodles

Add shapes to the outside of the circles.  Create a variety of petal shapes to design your own flowers.

Then switch gears (pun intended).  Add shapes to the outside to make gear like designs and patterns that don’t look like flowers.Lori Kennedy Circle Doodles

How many different designs can YOU create?

Small changes can create dramatic differences in the overall design.

Choose one or two favorites and repeat this exercise alternating the two designs.

Stitch your favorite on a sample fat quarter!

Lori Kennedy Circle Doodles

Doodlers make better quilters…

And stay awake during boring football games!


Your ChicagoBears-TurnedVikings Fan,


PS…If you like these motifs and tips, be sure to check out my book, Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 or any of my Craftsy Videos!

PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • June Neigum

    I love your posts. I also love my Boogie board. Went and bought one and use it almost every nite cuddled under a quilt and watching TV. My doodling has improved and using it on the latest quilt where the houses are all different , it helps to work out the design.

  • Donna

    Hi Lori, I love, love, LOVE your posts! I went through your archives and almost believe that, I just may be able to learn how to do this! I couldn’t get interested in it before. It all seemed too complex. But as I read through your archives, I got really fascinated about learning how to do it. Maybe I will discover that it is fun. I especially like working on small quilts, so making quilt sandwiches to practice on is appealing. Anyway, thanks for teaching about this doodling and free motion quilting. I so appreciate your blog.

    • Bette

      If you love these posts and want to really learn how Lori does her magic, try her Craftsy classes. Just excellent! (As is her book.)

    • Support

      So glad you are here!!! And yes! You can do it!!

  • Well, your fans and followers bought up all the calendars, Amazon says this is unavailable and it’s not known when and if there will be more! Haha!
    But I’ll try doodling the circles elsewhere!

  • Daniele Roth

    Just playing with shapes. That I can do! Still a Steelers fan but I’m with you. GO VIKINGS !

  • Elizabeth

    You have inspired me to start doodling. Thank you!

  • Love circles, Lori! I’m not so disciplined with doodling, but I find a little helps before beginning to quilt. I’m in the midst of using dots and daisies as an all over design on a quilt. Big beautiful daisies! Thanks for this fun, easy design! Spring is just around the corner you know! ????????

  • Go Patriots!!????????????

  • Cheri

    I am piecing a mountain/polar bear top right now for my arriving soon granddaughter and these stars/snowflakes/flowers will be perfect hanging in the sky above the mountains and bear! Very timely for me, thanks Lori!

  • Susan McFarland

    Those would look beautiful srirched as snowflakes!

  • My doodle books are everywhere…..especially in the car for long treks! Amazing what comes of all those meanderings!!!!

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