A Place For Everything! My New Sewing Studio

March 10, 2017
Sewing Room, Vintage Sewing Notions

Sewing Room, Vintage Sewing Notions

Good Morning, Quilters!

Once again, I would like to thank all of you who have ordered autographed books from my Etsy shop: Β The Inbox Jaunt Shop HERE

or from Amazon Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 HERE

Or from YOUR Local Quilt Shop!

It’s already a bestseller on Amazon and it won’t be released until March 15!!



I was really honored to have fellow columnist at American Quilter Magazine, Kimberly Einmo review Free MotionΒ Machine Quilting 1-2-3 on her blog yesterday. Β See “A Really Good Read” HERE

Kimberly is an amazing quilt instructor, author of six books HERE, Craftsy instructor and all around lovely lady!

She is definitely someone YOU should know–and we will be interviewing her soon in our “Make New Friends” feature coming soon!

Sewing Room, Vintage Sewing Notions


I am slowly moving into my new digs—-arranging and re-arranging….

It is so nice to have all of my collections in one place and visible!

Do youΒ recognize some of my “photo props”!?

Sewing Room, Vintage Sewing Notions


As I organize my new shelves, it is like making new friends again!

I have collected a wide variety of things over my years of sewing…

Vintage Scissors

Vintage Notions

Old Cameras

Red Tins

Anything Red


Vintage Rulers

Vintage Flower Books

Vintage Bird Books

Sewing Room, Vintage Sewing Notions

As I read this over….(and I didn’t even include fabric, thread, quilt books….)

Am I a HOARDER?!?!

If so…I blame you…I need photo props after all….

Yeah–that’s it…It’s The Inbox Jaunt’s fault….

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

What about YOU?

Are YOU aΒ Hoarder?Β  Β Collector?

What do YOU Collect?

We’d LOVE to hear!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. Β Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt. Β For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com. Β Thanks!!



  • I must be the oddball here…I don’t really collect much of anything specific! Well, I used to….I had a pretty extensive collection of antique furniture and Princess House glassware/serving dishes, we used them all the time. Hubby had a barn full of expensive and valuable tools, screws, wood & yard equipment, again, all of it in use, all the time. And I had quite a fabric stash. We sold/gave it all away when we moved into our 40′ 5th wheel and hit the road. Of course, I took the sewing machine, and the dog & hubs, but that was about it. It was actually very liberating, once I got past the sadness & sense of “loss.” Everything we carried was useful and usually, dual-purpose. We lived by the mantra, something in/something out. Weight was definitely a factor in our decisions about what to carry.

    After several years traveling the country, we purchased another house. And in the process of decorating it, we have begun collecting coastal-looking objects. (shells, shorebird statues, seaglass, etc…) And sometimes now, I look around and think, “oh my gosh, I can’t stand the clutter!” But then, I go into my sewing room (a.k.a…my happy place) and gaze on all the spools of thread, so colorful and waiting patiently for their turn on the spindle, and I think, “now that’s clutter with a purpose!”

    • WordPress.com Support

      How interesting! Must be nice to be lean and mobile!

      • mickie

        “Clutter With a Purpose” would make a terrific sign…I can see it selling at a flea or church sale……anyone out there into stenciling?

  • I wonder why it is so many of us collect teapots? I am delightfully guilty of that pleasure also. /i also collect different translations of The Bible. I have many,many pieces of Christmas villages,different styles from Dickens Studio 54, to no-name,–they are all beautiful to me! I have many different types of dolls, from homemade porcelain to Barbie and her possessions,Christmas Barbies, Cabbage Patch and their look-a likes, and anything in between that has caught my fancy. I also inherited my Mom’s dolls and will cherish them. Its too bad I don’t have any grand children to pass them to when I’m gone. I will make a suggestion to my two sons and it will be up to them to give them to charity-a Children’s Home nearby or a museum for the ones that have some value.I also collect cats, both live and porcelain, cookie jars and cookie tins, holiday tins for candy etc.I enjoy rummaging through yard and garage sales to find my treasures. My husband used to enjoy the same.Sometimes I would even find a rare book or a good book about knitting,crochet or sewing couture.

  • I collect (and wear) vintage clip earrings. I love to visit antique malls looking for unique earrings. To make it even more fun, they can often be purchased for a pittance. I’m actually wearing one of my favorite pairs today that always prompt comments.

  • Daniele Roth

    I’ve told my sister many times – ” You’re not hoarding fabric. You’re building inventory for future projects” Can you tell I had a retail background?.

  • Sewfun

    I also collect cameras and have the little Singer sew handy from when I was little and just learning to sew. I sewed many doll clothes on that little hand driven machine.
    In my kitchen, though, I collect all things strawberry – tea pots, cups, mugs, plates, bowls, egg cups…it has grown exponentially!

  • Claudia W

    Of course there is the necessary fabric and thread collections, but along with those I have teapots and looms (of all things) I believe I have 9 or 10 looms. Oh! and books, I have several dozen books mostly about quilting.

  • auntiepatch69

    I’ve already told my son “I’m sorry…….”

  • Teapots (hence the name of my blog) vintage sewing machines (and some toys, too) and almost anything vintage sewing related. Red is my favorite color, too.

  • Very happy for your studio re-do and delighted by your collections. Our living room wall now houses my vintage sewing machine collection — 44 are on display. The coffee table is filled with vintage irons (which I also use). The banister has half aprons tied to it. I wear my full aprons each each day, and the half bath has over 100 vintage hankies on display. I’d have to say I also collect thread to use and enjoy on my quilts and quilts for customers. Always enjoy your posts and share your site often with new quilters and quilters wanting to try new designs. Allison C. Bayer, Plano, Texas

  • I love wooden bowls and baskets—- category “things to put things into”?? :> Sounds like I need psychoanalysis!

  • Jean Nolting

    Santa Bears,Beanie Babies,pigs, Angels,spools( husband carves on them),books,patterns,fabric, quilts. Children want us to down size. Husband has houseful of carvings and turned bowls. Should have open house gift sale. But not quite ready. Woe is me.

  • Linda Thompson

    I have a large sewing room…but my shelves are full of stash…be it fabrics for quilting or garments, sewing books, embroidery machine needs, etc, etc….I wish I had one more shelf just for pretties!

  • Janet

    I too am a collector. It used to be (live) farm animals, but we have retired the farm. I still collect antique pitchers. I’m downsizing so my pitcher collecting days may have come to an end. (may have)

  • LumaLu

    I have a couple collections: Teapots and cups, depression glass, books and of course, fabric.
    I have to reduce my collection since downsizing my house to a condo about a year ago. Unfortunately, the storage units I have indicate I still need to reduce.

  • MargeP

    Over the years I have collected many types of things. At the present time I have just my favorites displayed, St. Jude bears, Tins including reproduction Singer tins and others that are really old, little wooden thread spools from the 50’s, roosters/chickens in the kitchen, and 9 sewing machines of which I use 4 regularly. I guess I am a hoarder but none of it is junk – I guess I also collect quilt magazines but those need to find a new home as I need more room in the sewing room and need to start clearing some of them out. I love all of your shelves with your treasures showcased, Lori. ,

  • L84quilting

    Wow…. Amazing…. I am NOT alone… I am a collector of many things: Books, teapots, pencil sharpeners, rocks, Legos, jello molds, wicker baskets, old kitchen gadgets, cats, staplers, birdhouses, Fiesta dinnerware, pictures (I have sooooo many, that I can’t print all of them or I would have to buy a house just for them!), old suitcases, magnets, American Girl dolls, miniature sewing machines and full size ones, crocheted doilies/potholders, Hallmark ornaments, boots, thimbles, Coke products, knitting needles/crochet hooks…. just to name a few… oh… and did I add lots and lots of fabric/thread/yarn! So, hoarder??? Maybe…. lover of all good and fun stuff…. definitely!

    • WordPress.com Support

      I like how you sneaked cats in there!! Lol

  • 40 years ago (gulp!), I was an exchange student to Sweden and fell in love with the crystal and art glass made there. I brought back several small pieces and ever since, have collected items that caught my eye. My husband is an enabler by buying me several beautiful and vintage pieces from Sweden, usually as Christmas gifts. I also inherited my grandmother’s Italian pewter collection. My grandfather had started it for her in the late ’50s, buying a piece at a time for all the special gift-giving occasions. Once again, Russ added to it based on where he traveled for work. When I was stationed in Germany, I discovered the beautiful pewter found in Switzerland … yes, I indulged. My oldest piece was a tureen made in 1794. I also have several measuring pitchers from the mid-1800s. I have the glass and pewter, along with other pieces I’ve “collected” over the years, spread throughout my house. They all make me smile when I look at them.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Ooh sounds very pretty!

  • My fabric stash is not a collection. Its just very colorful closet, drawer, and shelf insulation.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Good story–stick to it!

    • Marta

      Anita, love your comment !! It also reminds me of an experience I had once, 30 + years ago. There was a charity in a neighboring town. They had collection boxes in our town. They supported a home for children whose parents brought them there temporarily.( for example, single parent, in hospital, no close relatives, etc.). My friend’s husband would drive over once a month and teach Bible study to teens.She went with him once and they gave her a tour of all the buildings. The children even showed her to the attic in one place. She invited me to go there for lunch once and insisted on showing me the attic. The floor of the attic was completely filled 2 feet deep with clothing…clothing that had been donated by the public for the children. She had been horrified and of course I was too. We talked about it and couldn’t decide what to do. We didn’t want any consequences to affect the children. Eventually she asked for a hearing with the board of the place. About 3 months later it was closed down, after they had heard other complaints also. It taught us a lesson, investigate whatever you can before donating.

      • I so agree. Investigate first. We have a charity here that picks up all kinds of donations at your door. For a long time no one knew the donations were being sold by the ton and shipped out of the country. But now the charity clearly says that’s how its done so there is no more misunderstanding.

  • Mary B

    I have a ready-made collection of antiques given to me from my family & my husbands family. We have dishes, silverware, clocks, watches, furniture… you name it. I try to use and/or display as much of it as possible. It gives me joy to be surrounded by the belongings from several previous generations.

  • Diana McDonough

    Socks. I have a sock fetish. I have to tell myself I’m not allowed to buy socks. I have also collected other things over the years. I used to collect the little plaster paint-it-yourself village pieces…I had a few dozen of them, and no place to display them.

    Now it seems I’m developing a sewing machine collection. I currently have a 1958 Necchi-Elna, a 1963 Singer Rocketeer, an early 80’s vintage Kenmore, 2 sergers, an Elna 8300 embroidery machine, a Janome MC 8200 and, most recently, my very first long-arm…a Babylock Tiara II (got it used for a great price…)

    Speaking of said long-arm…my current craft room, at a mere 10’x10′ was entirely too small to fit it in, especially since it was already too small for the stuff I have!! So, since my kids are grown, our family room had basically been deserted and had turned into a repository for all things unwanted. I cleaned it out and am taking over it for my new sewing room…almost 2.5x the floor space! I’m so excited…but I’m going to have to do the same as you…arrange, arrange, arrange and rearrange. Especially my extensive “textile collection”, which will finally be in the same room as me.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Having all your fabrics in one place is sooo nice! I am still arranging mine!

  • Angie

    I too collect teapots, I have just over 50 now! I also collect vintage transfer-ware china, and I have a collection of rabbits out in the garden and strewn about the house. And of course then there’s all the Fabric! Everyday when I look at all of the things I have collected, it brings me so much joy. i never get tired of looking at them, and i can’t stop collecting more!

  • Sheila

    Doesn’t everyone collect something? I was a Boyd’s Bear collector (both figurines nd stuffed) for many years, having over 300 of the stuffed one in all sizes. When we moved to the new house, I whittled down to just the ones made of mohair and my pandas! Now I collect Belleek china and antique sewing items: irons, a dressform, a wooden ironing board, spools, needle books, etc. Some are displayed in my quilt studio. Antique linens are also a favorite find.

  • Deborah Buckley

    Lori just bought your book at local Quilt shop. I love it. A Quilters Oasis in Mesa Arizona

    • WordPress.com Support

      Wow!!! Didnt know stores had it in stock already!

  • Scrappy Chris

    Collections – I love little houses. I have a set of primitive Wooden houses made for me somewhere near Ft. Leavenworth KS that has the name of the post or town where we had been stationed complete with a US, West German, and Korean flag. First set of houses I got into were different German houses made out of ceramic with a place to put in a little tea light which is great for Christmas. For that I also bought a German miniature choir that are just the right size. I fell in love with Cat’s Meow houses and have quite a few. Before my mother died she started a David Winter cottage collection (British). Maybe since we moved so much I like the idea of having houses. I really wanted to start a collection of teapots and bought one or two and realized I really didn’t have enough room so I created a teapot quilt which I love. I also thought about a tea cup collection and now have a great idea for a tea cup quilt! Hoarding? Never!! They are precious to me and reflect my personality (I think!). However if I see someone has made a collection of traditional Korean houses I probably could get into that!!! Once a “collector” always a collector.

  • Ellen Rittenhouse

    My collecting genes are changing. 20+ years ago when my parents died I couldn’t let the things they had collected just go so I brought a truck load of their things to my house. Now that I’m getting up in years and my kids have limited interest in all the “stuff” I have from family and my own collecting it is becoming more important to let go of many things that still have sentimental to me. Photos of all but the most valued items will have to keep my memories alive. As I’m redoing my sewing space however I may display a few items a bit longer!

  • I believe collectors are saving a lot of things for future generations to enjoy. How fantastic is that?

  • mickie mclaughlin

    Love reading all of the posts. I am in the middle of downsizing because I am getting up in years and am amazed at what I CANNOT PART WITH. ha ha Fabric collection, old crocks, old large bowls that I use for fruit, etc. poetry books by Mary Oliver, old purses, the list is quite large. I like to imagine the lady who used the very old bread making bowl. I’m crazy like that. Forgot to include the old iron ware items that I use to add interest in my gardens. My church was very happy to receive my tea pot collection as they are highly collectible

  • I ordered your book from Amazon.ca. I would have loved to order from you but the exchange and shipping would have been too much. Would love a book plate if you ever consider making some of those for your non-US fans. πŸ™‚

    I have a collection of Halloween items: cake stand, salt and pepper shakers, mugs, ornaments, plates, candle holders. You get the idea. One entire wall unit in the dining room is Halloween and it is threatening to take over the second unit, and I’m okay with that. πŸ™‚

  • It’s always nice to get your own spaces personalized. I like your display shelves.

    I collect – or I should say I used to collect – thimbles. Can’t find them anymore when you visit a new place. And now Monopoly made it worse. NO ONE will know what a thimble is!! I’m starting to get into that time to pass stuff on phase. My 90 year old mom is doing that – every time we come we have to take something home….

  • Oh, I LOVE collections! I have collections of pewter, baskets, wooden boxes, old wood spindles, vintage tins, thimbles, cast iron trivets, miniature pianos, and of course books (there is not a room in my house that doesn’t have books in it).

    It would be such fun to see pictures of the great collections you have all mentioned.

  • Marta

    Intrigued with your fabulous collection of cameras! I collect …uh, rocks and small milk or juice pitchers. I had to leave one large rock in Missouri years ago. Movers didn’t want to pack it, etc.and Spouseman said he wasn’t driving that rock to FL. I was so sentimental about it because I had rescued it from a river bank in Illinois while we were dating. I have some in a rock garden by the porch and others are on the porch and still others are all over the house. As the years went by, new grandchildren would play with the rocks but each of them by the time they were 4-5 stopped playing with rocks..

    • Kathy

      Marta, Your comment reminded me of “The Long Long trailer”, with Lucille Ball. Ever see it? I also collect rocks; my garden is full of them. My husband says there are too many, but in my opinion that is impossible.

      • Martha

        LOL..yes, Kathy, I remember that episode of Lucy now that you mention it. I also laugh every time I read of archaeologists (sp?) deciding which rocks are in their natural habitat. My rock garden has rocks from NH, VT, NY, VA, TN, NC, SC, FL, AL, MS, MO, IA, WI, Minnesota!, and NV. Last year my friend even brought me a rock from a park in downtown Prague but I keep that one in the house. It is where my SpouseMan was born. Probably most of the scientists are correct but surely there were folks (nomads?) who liked to take a pretty rock along with them.

  • By looking at these lists, I’m beginning to believe we “as” quilters are related by a particular strain of DNA. You go girls!

  • Lori I would love one of your autographed books, but unfortunately with the exchange rate and shipping it is too much for me. I’ll just have to purchase one from the local quilt store. Sorry.

  • Yes I’m a collector too. It is not hoarding, which is a complete different thing. For me it is books, cooking, sewing, gardening. Vases and pottery are another two. And old items; from my parents, or just something that caught my eye at a flea market, estate sale antique shop. But when it comes to FQs I may just fall into that “hoarder” category! LOL

  • Linda B

    I have a few silver demitasse spoons collected through the years, and thought that was about the extent of my collecting. But then I took a look around, and I have file cabinet after file cabinet filled with information on cooking and gardening and health and household things, and now quilting patterns! And books!…it looks I am an information junkie! Thank God for the cloud and iBooks…at least some of it is taking up space there in the cyber world instead of in my house!

  • JoyceO

    I love collections……. I, too, have teapots, over 150 on display and a few others that I use. I am now in the mode of collecting glass shoes. I have dolls, teacups and saucers, thimbles……. oh my, my list goes on and on……..

    • mickie mclaughlin

      I have a small collection of little glass shoes I would LOVE to ship to you. email me if you’d like to get them. mickiem@comcast.net

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    I once read somewhere a phrase I have now adopted as my own. I am not a hoarder of fabric, “I am a curator of an extensive textile collection”. ?

  • I collect china, painted, and needleworked pieces with violets and lily of the valley patterns. These flowers have always been my favorites and they fill my yard with color every spring. The china is displayed in two cabinets along with small pieces of needlework. I never tire of looking at them.

  • carolynblock

    I collect Precious Moments figurines, have an assortment of Lenox eggs, a few tea pots and tea cups and FABRIC! I just love fabric…I love the feel, the beauty, the crispness….I could be a professional buyer!!!

  • Do sewing machines count? I have quite a collection. LOL

    • Maureen B, in B.C.

      I own five, and a serger, but I know someone who has 11 sewing machines. Rather than inspire me to buy more, it scares me that I might be heading her way ?

      • auntiepatch69

        I have 20 (old & new) and a serger.

  • Mary C

    I have a collection of crosses, a collection of vintage sewing notions (buttons, wooden spools, sewing shears, lace & trims) and a collection of things that make me smile in my studio. These are all sources of inspiration on a day when I don’t know what to start/finish. πŸ™‚

  • This are wonderful pics and ideas!! I am at a cross-road of life as I am newly retired, building a new house in the opposite end of the state and designing my NEW quilt/sewing room!!! You have given me some food for thought!!! Thanks for such inspiration you always provide!!!!

  • Sharon Rose

    I am a tea pot collector. Love afternoon tea and especially tea with my granddaughter.

    • Rebecca Schmitt

      Hey – I collect teapots too!

      • Maureen B. in B.C.

        Oops, that should have read “owning” not “owing” 72 teapots.

      • Maureen B. in B.C.

        I bet my sister won … she passed away owing 72 teapots. I miss her, but I have two of her teapots to remind me of her … the largest and the smallest.

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