A Paper Piecing Easter Treat

April 20, 2014
Majestic Sky

Paper Pieced Version, Easter Sunrise--P. Riemer

Once again, I’d like to wish you all a very Happy Easter!

I received this little gift from a reader of The Inbox Jaunt, Peggy Riemer…a paper piecing pattern for today’s Easter photo.  Peggy designed this to share with all of us!  Isn’t it gorgeous!?

You can access the pattern here:


And the color chart here:


Please join me in offering a BIG thank you to Peggy!  Drop by and see her website: Wisconsin Quilting.





  • I missed this one so thanks Lori for the link to this from the Heron pattern post! And thank you Peggy (and those who commented and asked about it) — I’ve never seen a PP pattern with curved piecing so the additional instructions and Moda link will be helpful in trying this. Should be fun!

  • Joy, this certainly is a mixed-technique project. You’ll see a little bit of standard straight-line paper piecing for the water and for the bird. The curved lines can’t be done quite that way, but are still not done with traditional templates (unless you ask me for them, and I can certainly give you all the individual pieces with 1/4″ seams, it just takes a lot more paper and ends up being a 100-piece jig saw puzzle just to get the templates oriented.) Anyway, the sky in this Easter Sunrise is built in 4 major horizontal sections. You start with a pair of fabrics within one of those sections that share a seam, overlap them, cut through the paper (freezer paper if you are using it) on their common line. As you add additional pieces you’ll want to add 1/4″ seam allowances by eye. Continue joining them until you have completed a major horizontal section.. Then you’ll start joining those major bands together. As you build horizontal pieces, you’ll use the curve of one to cut the next piece. It’s a landscape procedure that I think is best described here at Moda Bake Shop The idea is that you use extra width and length of your fabric pieces and accept that gentle curves can be joined without fussing with every seam allowance as long as the project doesn’t require precisely placed intersections nor a precise finished size.

    Ask me more if that Moda tutorial doesn’t clear it up.

    • Joy F

      Thank you Peggy. This is a new method to me. I like the curved lines and I will give it a try.

  • Joy F

    I’ve done a lot of paper piecing but I’ve never seen a paper piecing pattern with curved seams. I’m at a loss as to how to construct this block. Are there any tutorials?

  • The 6-page PDF pattern
    is for a project 24″ wide and 16″ high. I can easily provide a larger version for anyone who wants it, or you can take it to a copy-store and ask for it to be printed at any size. I chose to give you a small version so anyone could print it out just for fun and not use an armload of computer paper.

    I can also print individual pattern pieces with 1/4″ seams all around (but then you can’t enlarge it yourselves). I would do that for the bird section, combining paper piecing into bigger sections with the seam allowances. ( Lori said if she were doing the small version, she’d embroider the bird!)

    You can also print these patterns directly on freezer paper, though you will
    A. want to reverse the pattern, and
    B. protect the slippery side of the freezer paper as it goes through your ink jet printer.
    This is all for fun. Just let me know what you need.

  • I love this. I have only done a couple paper piecing projects, and this looks challenging. Thank you for posting it. I am starting to collect PP patterns for my “someday” projects. The color sheet is great. I think when I print it out I will spend an hour at my bins of scraps and see what I can come up with, and just tape/glue stick a tiny scrap to the paper. If I stick the color sheet in a zip lock I can take it shopping when looking for additional colors and not get too mixed up.
    Can you tell us what the finish size is? I was having trouble figuring that out. (Roughly 50 x 66 ??)

  • I left Peggy a thanks on her email and looked at her blog. I need to learn to paper piece like that! I can see it in my mind quilted!

  • Laurie

    Lovely – Thank you both!

  • Sharon Kimber

    Thanks to Lori and Peggy for the picture and pattern. I am collecting paper pieced patterns, now if I can just find enough time to complete them. I don’t think I will live long enough to do that.

  • rascassepoule

    thanks to Lori and Peggy for the wonderful picture and pattern,I love it!

  • Thank you. Very nice pattern. Hope you had a great Resurrection Day.

  • Kim Newell

    Lovely, I really enjoy I intricate and lots of piecing. This I will definitely make. Thank you.

  • This was a surprise Easter gift. My thanks to Lori and Peggy. So thoughtful of you.

  • Lisa Clark

    Happy Easter to you both Peggy and Lori. Thank you for designing and sharing the lovely sunrise!

  • Susan

    Happy Easter and thank you Peggy and Lori for the wonderful pattern.

  • Marilyn Larkin

    Thank-you so much to Lori and Peggy, I have had a very busy Easter, so have not opened my inbox for a while, what a wonderful surprise and great gift, the gift of nature and gifts from a couple of accomplished quilters what a combination. Hope your Easters were glorious like the sunrise.

  • Peggy replies: A happy and glorious Easter to everyone. I’m glad you liked the project. You are all very welcome.

  • Chris gengler

    Gorgeous, Peggy! Thank you for this gift.

  • Wow! Beautiful photo and great paper piecing project! Thanks to both of you ladies and Happy Easter.

  • Thank you Lori and Peggy. Another wonderful project added to my pile!!(:

  • Hi!!!! Yes!!!! Thanks Peggy!!!! Very pretty!!!! And I can see it done in many colors!!!! Fun!!!!

  • Thanks very much, that’s why I love quilting so much. Always sharing and learning from the most amazing people.

  • Caroline Sullivan

    Wonderful, thanks to Lori and Peggy.

  • Ellen

    Thanks to Lori for the lovely picture and to Peggy for the pattern!

  • Jerri Wedam

    Genius Peggy! Love all your pictures Lori!

  • Thank you so much, Peggy, for sharing this great pattern!! Thank you, Lori, for another beautiful picture ( love the Silent Sundays!) and for passing the pattern on to us!

  • Jeanette

    Very nice. Thank you for the pattern Peggy. Happy Easter to all!

  • Leslie Schmidt

    This is beautiful! Thanks for your terrific pattern, Peggy. You really got this done quickly! And thanks again to you,Lori, for the inspiring picture you took.

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