A Day at The Beach–A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

January 27, 2015
Seashells, Free Motion Quilting

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingGood Morning, Quilters and Quilt Lovers!

Welcome to Tuesday–Free Motion Quilt tutorial day.

The weather…oh the weather!

Well let’s not think about it…Let’s have a day At the Beach!

Today is the third in a series of Seashells.  We started with Sand Dollars.  Last week we added Oysters and a few variations…

Today we are adding a Whelk...

The Whelk begins like  The Oyster:

Stitch a small loop.

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingEcho stitch back to the beginning.

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingAdd a row of scallop stitches.

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingAdd a double row surrounding the previous row.  Then stitch a straight line.

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingStitch a long triangle back toward the top of the Whelk.  Echo stitch back to the tip.

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingStitch from the tip of the Whelk back to the circle.  Then Stitch around the seashell.  You may also echo stitch all the way around the shell.

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingCombine the Whelk with the other shells for a complex, but gorgeous fill pattern.  The Whelks add a nice contrast to the other motifs.

By the way…you may like to add Sweet Sunshine…many people thought it looked like a Starfish!

Seashells, Free Motion QuiltingHope the weather where YOU live is ….a Day at the Beach!

The Mystery continues tomorrow…


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at the Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, share, pin with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • rascassepoule

    in the south pacific it’s summer,so this is perfect for me , thanks Lori

  • Marta. south Georgia

    I see some barnacles too..and also love the heading text.

  • I love the beach themes!! So cute…can hardly wait to use them on something.
    I was just thinking of setting up a couple more machines also…there are a couple projects I would of sneaked in some time on if I didn’t have to swap out my quilting to do it…was on a mission to get Orrin’s football quilt done so feeling behind on everything else!!! I’m almost done on the binding so will be posting soon. 🙂
    We are having crazy weather in WY!!! Second day in the 50 and 60’s. Unreal!! Loving it!

  • Mary Beanland

    I love the current series you are doing, and am enthused and motivated to do a quilt with beachy themes for my home. I live a 2 minute walk from a Marine Sanctuary (Rickett’s Point) and it is summer here at present. I usually walk the dogs daily on the beach. I have been praticing a design that may be viewed as a sea urchin, but so far resembles a squashed orange! clearly I don’t have your enviable talents, Lori!

    • A

      It’s cold and snowy here in the US–can only dream about beautiful beaches like Rickett’s Point!

  • Charlene

    Love this! If anything would get me started quilting on my own, this is the design!

  • Joanne

    Hi Lori,
    Love your site – you are so talented, and so generous to take the time to share your knowledge.

    I’m curious, do you leave two machines set up – one for quilting the other for piecing? I am thinking of trying to reorg my sewing space to do this. Thoughts?

    • WordPress.com Support

      Definitely. I can convert to FMQ quickly. But I like having the machines set up for different purposes.

  • Dit is so oulik! Sal dit op my kleinseun se boot-kwilt gebruik! Baie mooi!

  • Gina Delorenzi

    when I first looked at the combination photo, I saw sailboats where you stitched whelks,

  • Love the lettered heading!

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