Today’s Topic: The Black Tangle, Flashing Lights and a Torn Retina
Good Morning, Quilters!
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, Deep Work Quilting, my sister and I spent most of February learning to longarm. But that’s not all we did…
Welcome to the World, Owen!
We also welcomed my new grandson, Owen Charles into the world! Congratulations to my daughter, Deirdre and her husband as well as Owen’s big brother.
All are well –though I think the big brother has mixed emotions about the little interloper!

The Black Tangle and Flashing Lights
One afternoon while my sister was working on the longarm, I began quilting a small quilt top my mother made years ago.
I was happy to be back in more familiar territory–free motion quilting on my Q20.

As I stitched, I began to notice a black tangle in my right eye. It looked like a knotted piece of embroidery floss.
At first I thought it was a shadow in my eye caused by staring at my quilt and window light for so long.

Flashing Lights
I stopped quilting and assumed it would go away, but instead I began seeing flashing lights.
I was more frustrated that I couldn’t quilt than I was alarmed.

Torn Retina
By the next morning, I was sufficiently alarmed to call the ophthalmologist who told me to come in immediately for evaluation.
Over the course of the day, I was diagnosed with a torn retina and underwent laser surgery to repair the tears and most importantly, to prevent a detached retina.
Good News
I feel very fortunate to live in a time and place where excellent care is readily available! I am extremely grateful to the skilled surgeon, Dr. Polly Quiram who performed the laser surgery as well as the rest of the staff at VitreoRetinal Surgery in Woodbury, MN!
While the vision in my right eye is quite poor right now, the “tangle” will clear and I can expect to return to my normal level of nearsightedness.

A New Challenge
For now I have very poor vision in my right eye. It is challenging to thread a needle and to stitch. I completed my Mom’s sunburst quilt, but that was only possible because I have well-developed muscle memory.
Photography is also challenging. Normally, when I take photos with my DSLR, I close my left eye and look through the viewfinder with my right. That doesn’t work now. For the near future, I plan to use my cellphone for photos so I can use both eyes. You may notice a quality difference in the blog photos.
Public Service Announcement
If you ever notice floaters and flashers, call your doctor right away. It’s important that a tear doesn’t become a detachment!
Read more at the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
It’s been a great reminder to me to never take my vision (or my health) for granted. And to be grateful to all the medical doctors and staff who spend years honing their skill to keep us all healthy and quilting!
Your Grateful Quilter,
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Congratulations on your grandson! I’m happy to hear that your eye is doing well, be careful not to strain it.
Just a note about ‘floaters’, the only time “floaters” are a warning is if you don’t normally have them or if they increase dramatically. I always have floaters, always have… they come and they go, but there is usually one in one eye all the time!!!
Susan Coolidge
So glad you got the care you needed. We need you special “vision” in the quilting world.
Lori, I am so happy to learn you are going to be OK. Congratulations on the birth of your newest family member.
Wow. a new grandson…Congratulations to all of you! …. we joined the club…6 week old greatgrandson! Uh, when I was a working girl, I spent 30 years with ophthalmologists before retirement… assistant with the doctor (not reception). So much has changed over the years and I am not blind due to that progress. Had cataracts removed, take meds for glaucoma and for 4 years I get injections in one eye or the other twice a month for macular degeneration.. Fellow quilters, if you have any doubts whatsoever with your vision, get thyself to a retina specialist asap. If you are fine that is OK, but if you need treatment you will be in great hands. I am 79 and have 20/20 and 20/25 vision Thank you Lord !! We have excellent care here in greater Jacksonville, FL area. As quilters, our vision is our lifeline to what we do and who we are in many cases.
One more thing, there has been in news last few years that certain stem cells (NOT from umbilical cords) can be transplanted for eye problems. Our local institute stated
that shady doctors jumped on that bandwagon and had many failures. Now some states ban that eye procedure. It is wise to do some homework in research these days. My blessed husband got me a new OTT Lite and I use to to the max! Worth every penny. My previous one had lasted me 22 years. I have so many miles to go before I sleep and so many more quilts to sew before I close my eyes for Heaven.
Lori, no tears for your eye, so glad and thankful you are being restored. Your family and the world still need what you have to share, blessings…
Wow, Lori! I’m so glad they and you caught it in time! Love you!
kate b
Thankfully you live near excellent medical care; take it easy (I know, it’s hard to do) and know that we all will be patient while you recover. That quilt is award-winningly beautiful!
Congrats on your new grandson Owen and blessings to Deirdre and her husband.
Sandra Taylor
Lori, I am so sorry to hear of your detached retina. My prayers are with you.
Lori, you do a service to all by describing your eye issues. It is so important to get help quickly when there are retina issue Your sharing the symptoms will likely help others who are inclined to “wait and see what happens” to their detriment. Thank you!
Congratulations on another healthy grandchild!
Shirley King
Good Morning Lorie,Congratulations are in order,I am a Great Aunt ,Life is so precious. So glad you went to the Dr. in time to save your eye.My Sister has an eye disease, she has to have shots in both of her eyes every 5 weeks. She is so brave. I just had my yearly check up
and he said I have the start of the same thing. I have the lazy eye, and I have it showing up more in my good eye, not good to hear.He recommend a vitamin Preser Vision ,he said it is 25% effective, and can help it from progressing.I am 85 and an avid quilter, have a long Arm and enjoying some form of sewing every day. I pray that my eyes will be OK for the rest of my life. Love your blog, I love to learn something every day. You we are never to old to learn. GOD Bless
You are very fortunate to have such wonderful surgeons in your area. Glad they were able to correct your problem. Congratulations on your new grandson. Love the picture of big brother checking out the bottle! Take care of that eye, and thank you for all of the expertise you share with us. You are very generous as was talented!
Karen Cowan
Congratulations Lori!! On your beautiful grandson and his safe arrival.
On your inspiring and amazing quilting. Kudos to your Mom too!
Glad you paid attention to the lights and then got the right surgery so quickly. Your PSA message is a great one to keep in mind. With gratitude- Karen
Judy M
Congratulations on your new grandson. He’s adorable!!
Sorry to hear about your eye. Hopefully it will clear up soon. I love your quilt. Your Mom did a great piecing job. The quilting is exquisite as always!!
Janet Licari
So glad you are on the mend and were able to get your classes in before. The down time after surgery must have been so hard and now bad sight in the right eye. I can only imagine how hard this has all been for you. Just keep healing and follow directions.
Your Mom’s quilt turned out beautifully.
Janet Licari
Congratulations on the new grandbaby too.
Lynn Jarzombeck
So grateful that you are okay Lori. What a scary experience. Maybe you are working too hard. Take some time off and rest. We cannot afford to lose you. Part of my family resides in Woodbury. Very, very glad and thankful to know you will be fine. Now take care gol darn it!
Valerie J Garrison
1. Congratulations on your new grandson!
2. It was quite a scare with your eye but I’m glad it was dealt with quickly and you are on your way to healing.
3. The quilt in this post is gorgeous!
So glad that your eye issue was diagnosed and treated so quickly! Praying for a full recovery. Congratulations on your new grandson Owen. Our first grandchild, also named Owen, arrived in late November. A good, strong Welsh name 🥰
Patricia J Williams
Best wishes to you, Lori, as you work with your new challenge. And thank you for the “heads-up!”
Mary Smart
I’m very thankful that your torn retina was diagnosed and repaired so quickly. And congratulations on doing such a lovely job longarm quilting! You have learned it fast. I now you will enjoy it very much — as I have. And I’m grateful everyday that I took up sewing and making quilts and quilting them years ago — that has been a real gift during the pandemic, and I loved it even before that.
I am so glad you are okay and on your road to recovery. And congratulations on your new grandchild!!!
Lorraine Doyno Evans
Glad you received exceptional care and are on the road to recovery for your eye. After reading all the stories above I am wondering how this happens. Is it just an age thing? Does it have anything to do with blood pressure or eye pressure?
WordPress.com Support
It’s aging. Argh!
Karen Fletcher
Congratulations on a beautiful grandchild. Hope you are able to spend some quality time with them. Heard of others who have had torn retinas. Hope you recover quickly. Thanks for all the inspiration you share with all your fans!
Congrats on the newest member of your family. God Bless with Health and Happiness! Bravo that you went right to get your eye worked on. Go slow and let everything heal. There will always be something to quilt waiting for you.
SO GLAD you’re back!! Hope your vision returns fully, or even better than it was. What a miracle modern medicine is!
so glad you got to the doc on time!! i can only see out of one eye and i had a detached retina and my doc lasered it… saved my eyesight!! your new grandson is a doll and so is the other one!
Rosemary B
congratulations on your new baby boy. Yes, big brother has a huge adjustment to make but he will be gramma’s favorite big helper.
My hubbs tore and detached his retina in 2016, he went to the eye doc right away
and he was sent immediately to the ER.
I am sure you were reminded that this is like a heart attack in the eye. That is what we were told.
I am so relieved that you did not have full detachment.
I learned a lot from my hubbs experience.
Oh goodie, now we are both getting “older” and have to really keep track of each other. I am so glad you sought help. I am the same way… I did not have EYE problem but another problem that I thought I could manage but a week later going to the doc. She was not pleased with my delayed attention, and ordered some fun tests, and big pills and I was cured. Now all of a sudden stuff gets dangerous and we can wind up in the hospital in 2 snaps of the fingers.
God Bless.
I had the same thing…thankful you ok and caught right away. It is common after cataract surgery as is floaters and high risk for detached retina. Blessings to you.
Maureen Visneski
So much news you are sharing! I’m glad that all’s well that ends well. Your featured quilt is absolutely stunning!
Cindy Holten
Lori, even though you’ve had a lot of clouds in your life recently, your sunny, hopeful, and grateful self always shines through. Wishes you many days to shine in.
Oh Lori. What mixed emotions Congratulations on the new beautiful grandson & you were so lucky with your eye! Prayers for the return of good vision. Stay well. Louise
Elizabeth Bennett
Beautiful quilting. I have looked everywhere to find out how to contact you, but I can’t find anything other than this. Would you please reconsider the background on your blog. If it were just at the sides it would be wonderful, but it extends into the text and photos and it almost makes me dizzy. Could you please change your background? I look at your blog as often as possible and have learned lots.
Diane B Paul
Thanks for telling your story. Sharing health scares can help a lot of people no matter what the problem is. Most women tend to take care of themselves last. I’m glad that you didn’t put off the visit to the doctor because…., as so many of us tend to do.
Betty Jo Tatum
Oh and congratulations on your new grandbaby!! What a blessing.
Betty Jo Tatum
Oh my! I am so grateful you have good care and you are expected to return to your normal level of vision. It must have been quite alarming. Hugs to you and prayers for full recovery.
Hi Lori… So happy for you to have only a tear in your retina. I am recovering right now from surgery from a complete detachment of my retina in my right eye. It was a very long and involved surgery. I saw the surgeon yesterday for my second post op appt. He told me that I have more surgery ahead to remove a silicon buccal belt, which is helping my retina reattach to my eye. I have very little vision right now in that eye, and he said there is no way to predict how much vision will return. I’ve been praying, especially to St. Lucy, who helps with healing the eye. I’ll keep you in my prayers to her as well. Keep us posted as to your recovery.
teri hurly
I hear you Lori. A retinal vein occlusion raised all sorts of heck with my eye, letters would slide down the page. This improved with shots for two years, but caused cataracts, which are now removed. I moved onto glaucoma in the same eye and even though they call me 20/20 I have to search for things with my left eye, have poor peripheral vision in that eye, but the worst is that I see two different shades of any color with my two eyes. Talk about a dilemma for a quilter. Picking fabrics is a definite challenge. Always have to close my left eye to look at them.
Lori, congrats on the new grandson. He’s a cutie! I can empathize with the eye issues. Two years ago I had vitreous detachments in both eyes six weeks weeks apart, resulting in some small retinal tears in the left. While the right one was happening, it looked like something from a Disney animation, with a black line spiraling around before dissolving. Scary! I’ve got floaters, but they are more of a nuisance than anything, and don’t really interfere with quilting. Last week I had my first cataract done, and next week will have my second. My eyesight is already so much better than it was! The advances in ophthalmology are amazing, and I’m so happy your eye was able to be fixed…God is good, and as someone else said, we are so BLESSED.
I received your 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting for Christmas, and am looking forward to learning a ton as I follow along with you.
All the best!
Roxy Sherburne
Dear Lori: So glad the doctor was able to repair your eye. I know how frustrating this is because I have been to the same VitreoRetinal clinic in Woodbury and the doctors are exceptional! I got lucky and did not have to have any surgery, but the doctor gave me specific warning signs and to call immediately if I have them. Our eyes are so important to us. Take care. I really enjoy your photos, quilting, and blog. Thank you, Lori!
So glad you sought help! My dad was a guinea pig in the 1970s for retinal surgeries while in the Navy. Praising God for the good outcomes and for those who paved the way! I am so glad for your good outcome and am so encouraged by it, too. I have been trained to watch for floaters and flashers from a young age. And, based on Dad’s experience and an aunt’s experience, have been terrified about what recovery would mean. Your outcome and that of a friend in recent years, gives me great peace. May the Lord continue to clear your vision. And blessings on the growing family!
so sorry to hear about this…glad you got your eye fixed so rapidly…and grateful for awesome medical care
thank you so much for your continued encouraging words…
Congrats on the new grandbaby and getting your eye fixed up.
Meylonie Schatz
Hi Lori! I love your posts and books and have learned so very much from you. I just wanted to reinforce a comment about how fabulous the medical care in the midwest is. Even my oncology researcher, who has practiced on both coasts and was one of the 1000 Most Significant Influencers in the country one year, told me I’m lucky to be living here for the medical care I receive. His opinion was that there is no where in the country, even the coasts, where the medical practitioners care more or do better work. In addition, I’m so very grateful to have gotten cancer the year I did. Even three years ago the immunotherapy treatments I’m now getting were not available. They got approved just as I failed with chemo and was on death’s door. So whatever we are dealing with we are all amazingly blessed to live where and when we do. BLESSED, BLESSED, BLESSED and amazingly GRATEFUL!
Lori, I’m so glad you got to the eye doctor quickly and the surgery will restore your sight. My mother was an avid hand quilter. She started complaining about a dark spot and even saw an eye doctor about it. He said it was just a floater and would go away. After about 6 months, she went back. No treatment given then either. A year later she was diagnosed with macular degeneration and lost total sight in that eye. She never could see well enough to quilt again. Broke my heart. Heal fast! 🙏
Lori, many years ago I had a “floater” the size of a beach ball appear in front of my eye while at work. Stupidly got in my car and drove to the eye doctor, not considering my other eye could go out while I was in city traffic. I can assure you that the floater is still around, but deflated and mostly around the periphery of my vision. It doesn’t bother me when I’m quilting. Then a few years ago I developed cataracts and my eye doctor did laser surgery to replace my lenses and instantly all my colors were crystal clear again. After surgery, I had flashers but they eventually went away. Often cataracts will leave some residual areas that will cloud your vision and again, laser surgery will clear them up in a 10 minute office procedure. Medical progress for eye diseases has moved by leaps and bounds in the past 50 years.
More seriously, I also developed glaucoma that my doctor missed for a while because it was a low pressure variety. It is very important that folks ask their doctors for the test with the tiny flashing lights inside a white box. You hit a game switch every time you see one, and they eventually show you a grid of your eye that fills in squares where you have no vision left because you didn’t hit the button. In my case, the vision is failing from the top down, and progressing slowly, so I can still see to sew and quilt. Mostly when you’re working with fabric, you’re looking down, anyway. There are treatments for glaucoma, but it is important to be tested from time to time to make sure nothing is going on as the end result can be blindness.
The Midwest seems to have an abundance of excellent doctors, and Madison WI is no exception. I just wanted to reinforce what you are saying:, stay on top of your vision because you only get one set of eyes. I’m working on a pile of 30+ projects I want to get done for kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. I’m so blessed to be able to keep on keeping on!
Love your designs and encouragement to all levels of quilters–may you keep on quilting til you are 100 and still inspiring us all.
Vision got cloudy in right eye 3 years after cataract surgery. It was time for my annual check up since I have glaucoma so called for appointment. Dr told me I had a cloudy lens that would be corrected by Lasik procedure. She said about 30% of patients have this condition any time after cataract surgery. Glad I had this done. Colors are SO bright again.
I so glad your Dr was able to take care of this so quickly. Take care of yourself and let your eye heal. Now you know…flash…call the doc.
Betty Hixson Hunsaker
So sorry to hear about your retina I had the same issue. I was graphic designer working on my computer. I had what appeared to be a magic marker that made a z shape and then started it looked like the ink began to run. It was a tear in my retina also . They lazered it back together but 3 months later it detached all together. I woke one morning and it looked like a window shade had been pulled down and I could only see 1/2 of my husband. A few days later they put a buckle on my eye to keep the retina on. It is not quite on straight and I see double. But they sent me to a low vision eye dr and the put prisms on my eye glass lenses. It really helps. So even if it becomes worse case , there are solutions. It has been 17!years now. I can still do art and quilt. I thought I was going to be a blind artist . Of course it is not the same as before , but it is do able. Wishing you the best. Betty Hunsaker
Glad you are doing well.
Congratulations on your new grandson!
In 2019, I saw millions and millions of little dots or dots that looked like doughnuts! The viterous detached from my eye, it had to be monitored and thankfully no detached retina! Grateful, for the medical support.
Kathy Nyquist
I’m glad you sought medical attention right away, Lori. It will heal up – the patience is the hard part. Congrats on your new grandson – they are a joy!
Mary Rose
Oh Lori I’m so glad you went in right away. Yes the doctors at VitreoRetinal Surgery are great. Ophthalmologists in MN have actually been doing great work since at least 1971 when they reattached my retina when I was 14. Have had patch ups along the way also. 20/20 vision would be great but we’re all blessed just to have our eyesight so we can see the one’s we love and do our hobbies! Praying that your vision will clear quickly. Mary
Becky Shaffer
Lori, I’m so happy that you were able to repair the tear before any serious damage occurred. We only get one pair of eyes! Congratulations on the new grandson. Grandchildren are such blessings. You are always so busy. I can’t imagine that you did so much in just one short month! And the quilting is beautiful. I struggle with two good eyes and you’re producing gorgeous FMQ with only one!
Mary Wolfersberger
Oh Lori! Thankful you’re okay. We fledgling free motion quilters are so indebted to you. You definitely helped me find my groove. Stay safe my friend.
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