A 365 Challenge–Will YOU Join Me?

December 4, 2015
Sketching, Spools

Sketching, Spools

Good Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

While I’m a self-described “Master Doodler” (based on hours of experience…),

Sketching is very difficult for me.  One of my goals for 2016 is to do a Sketch-a-Day Challenge.

I did a Photo 365 challenge in 2012 and it really helped me become more confident in photography.

I’ve been watching Steven Reddy’s, Craftsy video, Dynamic Detail in Pen, Ink and Watercolor and I just love his sketching style and his teaching style.  I will mainly focus on the pen aspect…baby steps, baby steps…

Sketching, Spools

What about YOU?

Are YOU interested in a 365 challenge?  (Now’s a good time to plan…you can ask for the supplies for Christmas!)

It could be in doodling,    free motion quilting,    quilting with rulers    photography,    sketching?  Start with a few tutorials (while so many of them are still on sale!)  and by the end of 2016…

We’d LOVE to hear about YOUR goals for 2016!

Never stop learning!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!




  • I would love to. Will you be sending an email each day?

  • Elsie Bulva

    Thanks for your referral to the sketch class. Bought it Hope it will help with my quilting as well. I have pencils that I can paint with but need some drawing expertise Have a great Sunday. Blessings

  • Rosemaryflower

    I just found this.
    Lori, I would just like to play the piano more often.
    …and finish up some stuff
    ….and clean out the basement
    #1 sounds the best

    • WordPress.com Support

      Wish I could hear you play! I imagine you play beautifully! What do you like to play most?

  • Pat D

    What a wonderful idea. I would sure like to give it a try as I am looking to improve my machine quilting.

  • English quilter

    I need to ponder this too. Either fmq daily or doodling to try to improve my drawing. It is a leap year—so does 365 allow for a day off????????

    • WordPress.com Support

      No! Double down on Feb 29!

  • Marilyn Larkin

    What a wonderful idea, I never have to tell myself to sew, but… I do really squib on the doodling. So; my goal is now to doodle 365 days for 2016 – I will now have one day off for leap year! thank-you for the encouragement.

  • Well, Lori, I am always telling myself I need to squeeze in my painting daily and it always slides by. I do watercolor and in the past year it has not been practiced regularly. I will do my best to keep my small watercolor pad nearby so I can do a quick painting each day….or I hope it will be each day. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

  • Karen Poling

    Good idea! My goal for 2016 is to put something hand to paper daily. I have been sewing so much my drawing, doodling, painting skills have been neglected. Always good to have a goal!

  • Laura

    This would be great fun! I have been exploring creative lettering: calligraphy, brush pens and pointed pen the last couple of months. Sketching and watercolors seem like a natural extension of that!

  • I would love to follow you doing this!! I am also looking forward to it!!

  • I will happily follow you any where. Yes, I’ll join you. Looking forward to it. Great goal for 2016 and I had already been thinking about something along these lines, but so much more excited to join you. With your approval, I’d be happy to help with PR???


  • Carol Williams

    I’m not a doodler by nature, so it’s challenging for me. But I’ll take it up as a daily challenge; getting some circle stencils to get started!?

  • Cheri Barker

    Lori, I am seriously doodle challenged. Your series has helped, but what I can quilt vs what my doodles look like are still worlds apart. What I have found is that I can trace a shape to build up that memory muscle. Enter in the adult coloring books, dry erase markers, and dry erase usable clear vinyl. I can find patterns such as swirls in these coloring books (for some reason, a design I love, but cannot for the live of me doodle), put the vinyl on top of the page, trace with the dry erase markers to my hearts content, then work at quilting it.

    My 365 challenge is to keep trying to doodle with this type of assistance….color a page a day.

  • Perfect, I have a new sewing machine that I need to learn how to use and this would be the perfect way to spend more time with it. I’m in :0). Happy Sewing

  • You read my mind, too! I have just started in the very wonderful world of watercolor painting. Serious beginner here – I realize that I need to learn to sketch and was planning to start a sketching journal. What better than to join you! Thanks for the (sweet, painless) shove!!

  • Since I have a childcare business I can do the doodle challenging during snack time!! nap time is saved for quilting 🙂 I am in!!

  • My husband and I did a photography challenge several years ago and it made a significant difference for both of us in our confidence and skill. I am not good at the translation of what I see to a drawing but doodling is more about what comes naturally from your mind to hand and would be a great confidence builder for both quilting and drawing of actual objects.

  • Diane

    Sounds like a great idea! Count me in!

  • Jo Ann Olinger

    I’ve done a 365 day Challenge before! While it wasn’t with quilting or anything indoors. It was quite challenging and fun. It was difficult to accomplish the daily goal while on vacation, but with planning it can be done.

  • Theresa

    Every time I see a coloring book display, and that is the new fad, I think of you. Even if a person didn’t sew they could enjoy the doodling.

  • barb reeves

    I’m in! 68 yo and heading back to college (free tuition in MA) for BA art minor in philosophy. Drawing makes my knees knock so am joining up! Just do it! 🙂

  • С удовольствием присоединилась бы к вам, но кто даст в долг часик времени?. Совсем не успеваю!

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    Humm…I’ll have to think about this….Maybe if I just do something related to quilting each day whether it be doodling, FMQing, piecing, binding, planning. Reading quilting magazines, Quilting blogs, watching tutorials and buying new fabric and stroking stash does not count!

    • Lorraine Doyno Evans

      I love your schrtch!

  • Christine

    I might join you in the daily sketch challenge. I NEED to do this, want to do this. I’ve been avoiding…’.fear’? In any case, time to put aside and follow your lead. Your blog has been quite inspiring to me and to become more adept at machine quilting is a goal for me.

  • Carol

    I am with Karen– my challenge would be to just spend 1/2hr a day to work toward finishing something! It’s amazing how many things I have that are OH SEW close to finishing….

  • Hi, Lori!
    2016 is waiting for me to work in may UFOs, but… who knows? Let me think about it…

  • Karen

    Lori, while I love your challenge, my goal for 2016 us to finish all my UFOs!!!! Getting older, don’t want to miss the opportunity to complete these projects??

    • Lorraine Doyno Evans

      great idea, I should do the same.

  • Elaine Hagaman

    Definitely considering this. Sounds like a great idea. Looking forward to trying. Thanks for your inspiration, as usual.

  • Thank you for your inspiration. Botanical Illustration will be my 366 (Leap Year) challenge.

  • One question though – shouldn’t it be 366 – as next year’s a leap year ………….. 😉

  • Pam Arbour

    I will have to ponder that as well. I have several pads for doodling. I think it really helps with the FMQ. Fortunately, my FMQ is better than my doodling, but I do believe that doodling is very important. I am still on the fence between doodling and FMQ. I need to have a plan!

    Thanks for the challenge.

  • Have you been reading my mind Lori
    I had earlier on this year consider getting myself back into the full crafting mode – I’ve slipped badly over the last 2 years as being Guild President of our local Spinners, Weavers and Dyers Guild seemed to drain away my crafting mojo and patchwork / quilting especially suffered.
    I had been looking at Leanne’s 365 quilt project but considering something more flexible to help ignite the creative mojo would be brilliant.
    Thanks for being a mind reader.

  • Linda Fleming

    I too believe in life-long learning!
    Haven’t decided which challenge to follow for 365…

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