A Large Whole Cloth Owl on Linen

November 19, 2021
Owl on LInen, Lori Kennedy design



















Today’s Topic: A Large Whole Cloth Owl on Linen

Good Morning, Quilters!

Have you had a chance to try the little owl motifs?  Be sure to doodle them for a few minutes before you stitch!

Today, I’d like to share my process for making a large whole cloth owl on linen.

Start with a Doodle

It’s always best to get a few ideas down on paper first.  Even if the whole idea doesn’t make it to cloth, at least you start with a few ideas.

Transfer the Design

The next step is to transfer the design to the fabric.  It’s not necessary to mark every stitch, just the basic outlines.

Sometimes, I just draw onto the fabric directly.   I used the purple disappearing marker.  It’s easy to erase as you go.


Lightbox Transfer

Another option is to trace the broad outlines with a dark marker and then use a lightbox to transfer the design to the fabric.

This method is perfect if you aren’t comfortable drawing.

Stitch the Outline

Next, create a quilt sandwich, choose thread and stitch the outline.

Keep it simple here.  There’s plenty of time to add details later.

Free Motion Quilting the Details

Now comes my favorite part, filling in the sections with decorative motifs!

Start with a simple shape, like the letter ‘U’ and vary it slightly in each section.

Create contrast between the sections by using motifs with different density.

Change Thread

It’s fun to change thread to add details within the owl.

Or change thread to add subtle details in the background.

Add Details, Make Changes

The Owl needs a perch and a background.

I changed thread to add a branch and leaves.

Compare the photos

After stitching the branch, I didn’t think it was dark enough so I stitched over the branch with a heavier and darker thread.

Then I added a neutral color to stitch the background.  I didn’t want to overwhelm the owl.

The busy background would be distracting if stitched in a more visible thread.


Back to the Drawing Board

While I like the Owl on Linen, I think there’s room for improvement.

I plan to do a little doodling and try another one.

Perhaps create a pattern and a kit?

What about YOU?

Have YOU ever seen an owl?

How do YOU transfer your ideas onto cloth?

Would YOU be interested in LKQ patterns/kits?

We’d LOVE to hear!

Hooot! Hoot!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ.  For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com.  Thank you!

Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books!  They are ALL bestsellers!





  • Carole

    Positively Elizabethan

  • Carolyn in Tucson, AZ

    Love your owl, I have seen several owls in the wild. One small owl spent the day on our back covered patio perching on a light until a male hummingbird decided it was too close to the feeder. The hummingbird dive bombed the owl about five o’clock in the afternoon to move the owl out. We enjoyed watching the owl rotate its head when it was awake. I think your owl definitely needs a name with that face so full of wonder. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. Bless you & your family this Thanksgiving.

  • Chris

    Amazing free motion sewing on your owl! Thanks so much for sharing!

  • Debbie

    I love your owl and the details. A kit would be fun, but just a pattern would give guidance.

  • Joan R

    Wonderful Lori!! I’ve been thinking of ways to use some old linen curtains I have….

  • Your Owl is adorable, Lori, thank you for sharing!

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    Beautiful. You are very creative, Lori. l can copy a motif, but I don’t seem to have the talent of creating an original motif.

    • Chris Reeske

      I feel the same, not very good at original designs. How do you get ideas?

  • Pamela

    Hi Lori, yesterday I tried your ‘water & ice’ free motion design. I found it easily than I first thought thanks to your detailed instructions. I used it on an outer panel and happy with my results.

  • Janet

    Love the owl Lori, she is beautiful. Wish I could settle down and get with the program. Have a beautiful machine ,but no time as yet.
    So great to see you in action again.

  • Laurie Gerse

    Fantastic job. Love your free motion quilting.

  • Lucia

    Would love a pattern. It can be used as is or, just as a guide for my own designs.

  • Martha O

    I really like the idea of larger motifs with “fill in” doodle process for whole cloth quilting instead of practicing on patchwork. Appreciate the inspiration!

  • I’d love a pattern ! Even if I don’t follow them exactly, they give me valuable information and guidance. Your owl is lovely, the quilting motifs on the owl are great, but the woodgrain on the branch is superb!

  • Adrienne Dold

    If you don’t have a light box, you can tape the drawing and then the cloth to a window. With the light shining from through the window, you should be able to see your lines and trace them.

  • Connie

    Yes, would love a kit!

  • Catherine Plovanich

    love this and look forward to a pattern and kit!

  • Your owl is wonderful. 2022 plans include my getting more comfortable with free motion quilting. I’m thinking table runners for gifts would be a great place to practice. Happy Thanksgiving

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