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Good Morning, Quilters!
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Mondays are Machine Quilting Quick Tip Days
Every Monday, I will offer a quick tip to improve YOUR free motion quilting technique.
The tips are easy ideas that you will make machine quilting easier or better.
How to Create Even Machine Quilting Stitches
One of the hallmarks of beautiful machine quilting is even stitch length. However, even stitch length takes quite a bit of practice to develop.
One technique that helps is to listen to your sewing machine motor. Try to keep the machine humming at one even speed and move your hands and the quilt to match the speed of the machine.
If the speed of the needle remains constant, it is easier to coordinate your hand/quilt movement.
The best way to tell if the speed is constant, is to listen to the sound of the sewing machine motor. Try to create a steady hum. In other words, avoid the revving race car sound.

Machine Quilting Practice Tip
The next time YOU sit down to quilt (and I hope that is today), try to keep the machine and one constant speed and listen to your machine purrrrrrrrr!
For more machine quilting motifs and techniques, be sure to check out my books (and receive a little treat in every box!)
What about YOU?
Are YOU struggling to keep your machine quilting stitches even?
Do YOU listen to your machine as YOU stitch?
Are YOU a speed demon who likes to rev the engines?
We’d LOVE to hear!
Happy Steady Stitching,
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts. Feel free to reblog, pin or share with attribution to Lori Kennedy Quilts. For all other uses, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thanks!
I always listen to the rhythm of my machine. The change in sound also lets me know when my bobbin thread has run out.
It is very difficult to find your daily posts on this new site, it was quite by accident that I did today. Since I don’t know how or where who knows if I find them the next time
Frequently, but not always, I achieve the humming machine sound and get the most beautifully even stitches. I usually have the speed regulator set at one of the lowest settings to avoid revving the engine! Thanks for this great tip.
susan hilsenbeck
I definitely listen to the machine and try to move accordingly.
Helen Eidt
I love it when my stitches come out nice and even. I find if I relax and try to keep the speed not too fast or too slow, they do come out pretty even.
I adjust my machine speed and then press the foot pedal all the way down so it stays consistent. Then I only need to worry about how fast I move the fabric. Thank you for your wonderful tutorials!
Thanks for the information!
Thank you for all that you share to help us become better at what we love to do – sew and quit
Mary Wolfersberger
Thanks for all the great info Lori!
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