The Zippy Car-A Machine Quilting Tutorial

June 7, 2016

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Good Morning, Quilters!

I had a great time making Henry’s Baby Quilt–creating a village with a variety of cars and trucks. (See more about Henry’s Quilt HERE).  The machine quilting tutorial for Henry’s Trucks can be found HERE

Several of you requested a tutorial for The Car…

Boy Quilt, Machine Quilting, Lori Kennedy


In this sample, the lines are one inch apart–this will give you a start–but the motif can be adjusted to any size.

Begin half way between the bottom two lines.  Create two “steps” with rounded edges.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Stitch a window, by stitching an elongated oval.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Stitch another elongated oval to create a second window.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Stitch two more “steps”…
Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Stitch a short line parallel to the bottom line, then stitch a circle–one and 1/2 half revolutions-to create the tire.

Add a short dash (between the tires)…

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Add a second tire–1-1/2 revolutions–and a dash to the front bumper of the car.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Echo stitch the bottom of the car and tires, add a little scribble “exhaust”  and you are ready to begin the next auto!

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting

Isn’t that zippy?

Once you know the Basic Car, you manufacture all makes and models by changing the proportions and angles…it’s fun and easy!



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • Julia Parrino

    Love your blog, Lori, and look forward to seeing it each day. I just finished a couch quilt for my daughter’s home and I used the Fabulous Flower motif on the borders. Not perfect, but each side of the border improved. Thanks so much!!!

  • mickie mclaughlin

    I love this quilt. There is just so much going on in it. I was drawn into it immediately. You must be a relative of Grandma Moses who painted scenes depicting whole “towns” and the different things going on. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.

    • Support

      Thank you! It was really fun to stitch!

  • Pamela North

    What a lucky grandson

  • The quilt looks really nice. A lot of action for a young person to explore.

  • Aileen Kline

    Lori this is awesome. I have been practicing doodling for a week. Ocean waves. Not great but getting better. The flowers have to wait! This car is so cute. Will have to doodle it. I love your Craftsy video. Waiting for payday to get the second one. Determined to get do more that meandering. LOL! Have a great week.
    Aileen in Florida

  • Janette

    That’s wonderful…Thank you. Working on a quilt l call planes, trains and automobiles.
    So this is perfect. Now maybe a train or , plane. Lol!! Your the best teacher and you give me such inspiration.

  • Lori…. did you ever watch Friends? There’s one episode when Chandler can’t get the “whip” sound right and a frustrated Joey ends up saying to him “You can’t do anything!”. Well, this is the opposite, YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING!!! Thank you for another great tutorial 🙂

    • Support

      So glad you like it! It’s really fun!

      • Katherine Groth

        Love this! Thank you so much.

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