2015 Top Posts

January 4, 2016


The Dizzy Daisy, Free Motion QuiltingHappy New Year, Quilters!

I hope 2016 is off to a good start for all of YOU, dear friends!

The holidays were very busy at The Kennedy Family Residence.  Whenever my six children get together it is always a bit chaotic—add a  grand baby-Henry,  two husbands, a few boyfriends, two dogs, extended family and you have…

Well, lets just say there was little down time…(though I did sneak away to stitch a few times!)

Quality family time=PRICELESS


I am back to my introverted January routine:  quilting, photography, writing and blogging…plus a few New Year Resolutions.

Grid Pop, Pumpkin Free Motion Quilting


2015 was a great year at The Inbox Jaunt.  We welcomed nearly 2000 new followers, bringing our total to over 7800 and we logged over 2,000,000 views!

Can we get to 10,000 followers in 2016??—PLEASE TELL all your quilty friends about us!

Our best conversationalists in 2015 were:   Rosemaryflower, treadlemusic, Ness, and Terry Sheldon-Thank you, ladies for getting the discussion rolling!)

We’d love to hear from EVERYONE in 2016!

I am so grateful to all of YOU for spending a little of your precious time with me.  Thank YOU!


Machine quilting tutorials remain the most popular posts.

The Dizzy Daisy, Free Motion Quilting

YOUR favorite tutorials in 2015 were

The Dizzy Daisy 

Grid Pop

I would love to hear (and see) how you used these motifs in YOUR quilts!


YOUR favorite project was The Mystery Quilt-a-Long

Get ready for the Second Annual Mystery Quilt-a-long  later this month!

Thread Samples, Free Motion quilting


YOUR second favorite skill post in 2015 was Seven Steps to FMQ

I’ve upgraded it to 10 steps for greater clarity in 2016!

Seven Steps to Free Motion Quilting
Seven Steps to FMQ

YOUR  #1 All-time FAVORITE POST FOR 2015


(Hint…It was YOUR favorite in 2014 as well!)

Twelve Essential Skills Every Quilter Must Know

…and this post doesn’t even include Free Motion quilting as an essential skill!?!

We NEED to write the “Second twelve skills every quilter should know…”

Let’s discuss on OPEN LINE Friday later this month!

Twelve Essential Skills for Quilters

We have a busy month and busy year of quilting planned…

Tomorrow…a FABULOUS Tuesday Tutorial.

You are going to love this one!

Wishing you all the best in 2016!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • rascassepoule

    happy new year and best wishes!Lori

  • Marilyn Larkin

    Congratulations on the success of your blog and your craftsy class for 2015. I just know that 2016 will be wonderful too. Happy New Year. I am committed to doodling this year, oh of course I love your quilting tutorials, they are the very best. What’s that I hear, doodling with a needle and thread?

    • WordPress.com Support

      Thank you, Marilyn!

  • Janette

    Thank you ,has been so much fun.
    Spent time with my sisters over the holidays and spread the word about your blog.
    Have a young niece who is also interested, will need to teach her some things abou5 sewing first. Looking forward to this year.

  • Karla

    I, too, am very new to your blog. The quilting tutorials are definitely my favorite parts. I even have a doodling book, but just don’t get to it often. I really want to get better at swirls. Maybe this is a new twist—I showed my first graders some of your tutorials and showed them how to make the things I feel best at (dragonfly and flowers) and they all have a doodling booklet now–and can doodle away in the morning or any other open/down time. I have some terrific doodlers!!! So much fun.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Wow!!! Music to my ears–another generation of doodlers! I hope they become quilters as well!

  • Will you be doing a grid of your samples in chronological order?? i.e., each FMQ sample shown in a box according to the date they were created? ‘twould be be very nice!

  • Janet Maddox

    I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. I found you through Pinterest around Halloween time frame. You have become one of the top quilting bloggers that I read daily without fail. Thank you for encouraging myself and all quilters to be creative each day. I look forward to your quilt along later this month.

  • Happy New Year! I am very much looking forward to what you bring here this year:)

  • I’ve followed you for a year but have never chimed in. Thank you for sharing your quilting knowledge and enthusiasm. God bless all you do in 2016!

  • I tell all my quilt friends about this site. I doodle a lot, keep books in the car, whenever I have a moment. I am entering a competition, in Florida, and have done all the FMQ… Very whimsicle. The theme is bicycles, in a wilderness park. I stitched, birds, bugs, snakes, lots of trees, and flowers, different Suns…. When I needed a new idea, I’d just search the web site and …voila….
    There are 25 different “scenes”…. Still lots to learn.
    I’m now looking at patterns to see how I could ” conquer ” them, as opposed to the design of the fabric colours.
    I also see patterns everywhere, in carpets, railings… It’s amazing all the things you have “taught” me. Many thanks.
    My fav was the mystery quilt… I learned so much … But still have a hard time with the small zigzag.

  • Hi Lori! What drew me first to your site was your tutorial on sand dollars. I also just finished your Craftsy class, Divide and Conquer, which I LOVED. I have now subscribed to your blog and look forward to lots of creative FMQ with you! Thanks!

    • WordPress.com Support

      So glad you are here! Please consider writing a review on Craftsy-it helps others decide!

  • Rebecca Shaffer

    Happy New Year, Lori. I so appreciate this blog and your Craftsy class. I am really learning a lot and look forward to learning even more in 2016.

  • When do the painting tutorials start? ? KEK

    • WordPress.com Support

      When I’m competent! Lol

  • loosecannon2

    Thank you for sharing your GOD given talent with the rest of us.
    Enjoy being a “doting grandmother” causing others to smile as they shake their heads & say, “Oh, That Lori!”

  • carmelle

    I, too appreciate all that you share on your blog. Hope 2016 is a good year for you.

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    Love this blog! I’ve learned so much this year. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I also enjoy your doodle exercises. I hope you continue those as well as FMQ motifs. The silent Sat/Sun art lessons are appreciated as well. I never realized there were so many beautiful paintings of women sewing.

  • Janice

    I am a relatively new follower, and just want to say I am enthusiastic about your approach to free motion quilting! I have been afraid to ‘ruin’ my pieced works with stitching that is less than adequate, but have resolved in the new year to take the plunge. I’m starting with your doodling tutorials to gain confidence in the design elements of FMQ, and will then work though your quilting tutorials. I have signed up for your Crafty class as well – so I’m committed. I plan on using your daily posts as my conscience to keep moving forward in my machine quilting. Keep up the good work!

  • Pat Smith

    Happy New Year, Lori, can’t wait to see what great things you will do in 2016…

  • GabiP

    Happy New Year, indeed! 2016 is going to be great!

  • Pat D

    I am new to your site but am surely looking forward to spending time with you in 2016.

  • Barb Ellis

    Happy New Year, Lori. I look forward to spending another year with you.

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